Mac Mini


Jan 4, 2008
I bought a i7 Mac Mini yesterday, waiting for a ram + ssd upgrade soon..
Don't know why I waited so long to get the upgrade from the 2006 iMac i bought last year, I think I really like this machine and I think I'm a potential full-time mac-user :wave:

So.. how do I make the transition from Windows to OSX as painless as possible ? I'm used to windows, and so far I think I have to click/press more to do what I want compared to windows.. it might be me just being a n00b, but is this a fact or just a matter of preference?
I have been using a macbook for almost a year now and before it I got a hackintosh to deal with my band. And i have to say I regret neither one.

Whenever i have to use a windows-laptop now I immediately get frustrated because I'm already used to the nice flow a mac has provided me. This might sound like a fanboytalk, and it to an extenct it is. But not for no reason.

Ofcourse there's the cons of less games and no tse-plugins. Especially the tse-plugins. Those might be the biggest pros in the windows world.

And as for the clicking part.. No not really more in my opinion. Some shortcuts aren't as simple (webpage reload cmd+r, screenshot cmd+shift+3), but after a while you get use to them.
I agree, I use ctrl/cmd/option+click and macros too but coming from a windows environment the one click thing can make simple things annoying in the early going. That's just my opinion though.
Macs have had that enabled by default for years now man; they come with 2 button mouses too AFAIK.

They have the capability but it isn't enabled by default (at least not pre ML). Instead they default stuff like hot corners. Between work and home I've bought 3 mac laptops and 2 desktops in the past 5 years so I'm pretty well versed in this. The mice and trackpads have a ton of capabilities and customization (way more than is apparent at first glance) but many of the features need to be setup.
I'm going to be getting a Mac Mini this year, they look amazingly powerful for the price!

Does this mean we're going to be getting TSE plugs for mac???
congrats man! i use one too and i really like it. don't have an SSD in it yet but i'm planning to upgrade once it slows down or something.

at some point you might notice that it's heating up pretty much. that's because it's a small-ass device with as little fan noise as possible, and larger projects might cause the fan to become audible. the case heats up because it's aluminium and designed to transfer the heat inside so if it feels hotter than devices might usually.

if you look at the temperatures they do get pretty high in the cores, which makes me a little worried in the long run - after all, these aren't really meant to be used for demanding music projects and whatnot; they are not workstations. but Apple has to know there's a reason people want processing power. let's hope for the best.