One thing I can't really do on a mac

Changing the general font of files/directories and can't change the label color for all the files.
For istance: as a default I want the labels to be green, is that possible?
I don't think so!
And yeah xp is not the best OS but at least I love watching more that blue color than that grey color found on OSX, mac is too cold color wise.
I know it's not so important but I hate that fucking grey lol
This is lame, for the rest I love mac! and I really do lol
My god, you're right! I've been misled all this time, all the way into the cold and depressing color schemes!


I probably wouldn't be all smug about Mac being that it functions like "My First Computer". :Spin:

spoken like someone who's never really used one beyond fucking about for a minute at a time.

never-mind that we've gone down this path a million times, and crushingly shown every person with a "head-up-the-ass-of-windows" attitude like yours to be totally wrong.. over and over again... yeah, never-mind that, this is exactly what we need... another fucking pc vs mac thread...

no one on here cares if you are mac-tarded, ok?? keep it to yourself, that's all we ask.... especially if all you're going to do is make a some specious remarks, and not actually name anything of substance that macs "can't do" compared to Windows.

you are new here, we've had this many, many times... and no one has yet shown ANYTHING AT ALL that demonstrates macs to be inferior, or less capable in any way... .and we've developed quite a low tolerance for this type of discussion, to be honest..

kaomao.. you've been here a while, and so you have no excuse... stop making these types of threads, they are pointless.... especially over something as banal as like color schemes.
spoken like someone who's never really used one beyond fucking about for a minute at a time.

never-mind that we've gone down this path a million times, and crushingly shown every person with a "head-up-the-ass-of-windows" attitude like yours to be totally wrong.. over and over again... yeah, never-mind that, this is exactly what we need... another fucking pc vs mac thread...

no one on here cares if you are mac-tarded, ok?? keep it to yourself, that's all we ask.... especially if all you're going to do is make a some specious remarks, and not actually name anything of substance that macs "can't do" compared to Windows.

you are new here, we've had this many, many times... and not one has yet to show ANYTHING AT ALL that shows macs to be inferior, ors less capable in any way... .and we've developed quite a low tolerance for this type of discussion, to be honest..

kaomao.. you've been here a while, and so you have no excuse... do no make any more of these types of threads.

Someone has that holiday, "knife the guy with the last Wii in the store" spirit.

I was just joking around James, take it easy.
Someone has that holiday, "knife the guy with the last Wii in the store" spirit.

I was just joking around James, take it easy.

you are far too new to get away with "just joking around", on this forum when it comes to topics that have been controversial. people need to get to know you.. until then you're just a newbie that isn't up to speed.

merry X-mas :heh:
and for the recod James this is not pointless, If I want to customize colors ans such why should I not be able to do it?
All of you read this: I said I DO REALLY FUCKING LOVE MAC, but there are some things like that (colors switching) or the lack of a right-click functionality to create a text file whereever you are without opening the text editor which are lame.
Maybe I'm just used to windows that's it

This felt relevant, I'm not sure why, there's always some time for a Father Ted clip :D
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and for the recod James this is not pointless, If I want to customize colors ans such why should I not be able to do it?
sure , why not, lol... admit it, you just want to make your default label color to be pink... for that, look HERE.

there are some things like ... the lack of a right-click functionality to create a text file whereever you are without opening the text editor which are lame.
learn how to use Automator to create Workflows , or just be lazy and use THIS. or you can go the full tweaker route and learn how to write contextual menu plug-ins for OS X.

next time you want to whine about how the GUI's customizable options aren't exctly the same in OS X as they are in Windows, drop me a line so i can call you a waaaaaaahmbulance. And use Google for you.