if you're listening to "different world" you are. that's about as fast/ up tempo as maiden goes for a sustained period of time. maybe you're listening to a different song ? i don't know.
the last 4 albums all start with a 4 1/2 minute up tempo throw away track imo.
futureal, wicker man, wildest dreams,different world. all the meat and potatos come 2nd or 3rd track in. after a few listens of each of the 3 new songs i like them.
anyways maiden has done what anthrax is so in need of doing and that is releasing new material and forging on with their musical career. the reunited maiden tour that played a greatest hits set (ed hunter) only lasted 3 months. then they went in and recorded brave new world. there are short summer tours of "hits" packages (that include material from every era of the band) intertwined with tours supporting new material. to me this is the only reunion that was handled the right way. that is not a john vs joey or bashing anthrax opinion. i just think thrax should take a page out of the maiden playbook instaed of the kiss one.