New March Hare song test with vox - Both Sides


Jan 31, 2006
We just finished the vocal tracking for a new song and I started working on the vocal mix tonight. I've got a lot of kinks to iron out with EQ, effects and automation still. I feel that this track has a lot of potential though and I'm curious to see what anybody thinks of this little number so far. Two more songs to do vox on after this one and our album should be ready to roll!

EDIT: I took the old mixes down and now here's the finished master.
Everything sounds fantastic. I have to say though, i don't like music behind the vocals around 1:10ish, the vocals are great, but The music doesn't work for me. Also I love the line "will burn a thousand churches".
i will be buying your album for sure
this is some really, really nice stuff man
i love everything you post up here
and thats a hell of a guitar tone, really punchy
Sounds like pure win. I will most definitely buy your album!

Did you use 8505 on this or just Gearbox?
Everything sounds fantastic. I have to say though, i don't like music behind the vocals around 1:10ish, the vocals are great, but The music doesn't work for me. Also I love the line "will burn a thousand churches".

Interesting. I really like the music at 1:10, but I'm really glad you like the vocals.
Thanks for commenting guys! The guitars are all Gearbox with Curve EQ. Its a completely different sound than the guitars I have on my other songs, but I'm contemplating having different guitar sounds spread across the album instead of homogenizing it all. I don't know of many band that do this, however, and I hope it would not be distracting or take away from the continuity of the album.
I love the idea of having different tones splatt, there is nothing distracting about it , in fact i would like to see more bands doing that in their albums. Is not something that work with all styles of music thats for sure
The vocals are AMAZING both as far as mixing and performance go. What are you using on those?

I like it. Just overall HUGE-sounding. Great job, dude. So you ended up liking GearBox more than 8505?
Awesome! What'd you use for the vocals? They sound excellent and everything is good, though the vocals maybe seem a tad loud.
:kickass: splatt !!

nice work!

where do you record the vox? do you have a vocal booth?

and about the guitars : is this you mesa patch quad tracked?

also let me say : the vocals sound absolutely perfect !
some of the best vocal sounds i have heard here.

and : i love that your vocalist sings the way he does, most bands prefer the scream thing! very natural and BELIEVABLE !
I love the idea of having different tones splatt, there is nothing distracting about it , in fact i would to see more bands doing that in their albums. Is not something that work with all styles of music thats for sure

I'm glad you think so. I may give multiple tones a shot.

The vocals are AMAZING both as far as mixing and performance go. What are you using on those?
Thanks! There's still a lot of work to do, but I think we've got a really good start so far. Matty usually uses a Shure or AT dynamic mic straight into a PODX3 for dry tone capture, but this time he went over to our friend's house to use his condenser mic. I'm not sure what mic it is exactly, but I know its one of those $89 jobs.

As far as processing, I LOVE the freeware Antress 1176 plugin for vox. Its just great. There's minimal eq, just a high pass at 100 and a tiny boost at 5k and 10k. All reverb and delay effects are Line6 Gearbox

I like it. Just overall HUGE-sounding. Great job, dude. So you ended up liking GearBox more than 8505?

Yeah, the 8505 is great, but Gearbox is just so much more convenient for me.

Awesome! What'd you use for the vocals? They sound excellent and everything is good, though the vocals maybe seem a tad loud.

Thanks man! See above for vocal details,

:kickass: splatt !!

nice work!

where do you record the vox? do you have a vocal booth?

and about the guitars : is this you mesa patch quad tracked?

also let me say : the vocals sound absolutely perfect !
some of the best vocal sounds i have heard here.

and : i love that your vocalist sings the way he does, most bands prefer the scream thing! very natural and BELIEVABLE !

Hey thanks a lot! I love the way Matt sings, and I love the fact that I only have to use auto-tune very sparingly on certain notes.

When I'm in town with Matt and we do vocals, or when he does them himself, we usually record him in his closet and he sings into where all his shirts hang to absorb to reflections. It's a completely ghetto approach and works great! For this track though, I think it was tracked in small room with wood floors.

For the guitar question, I used a Mesa patch, but its not the one I traditionally use. This one is the Diamondplate with the V30 cab and 57 on axis mic. Bass 57, mid 40, Treble 60, pres 60, Drive 100. I used a TSS plugin on some palm muted parts, but its turned off most of the time. Each guitar gets processed with Curve EQ and that's a wrap.
Nothing too add man, just hate the fact that it cuts off halfway.. haha, that says enough no?

Mix ix great, vox are great, song is great, CD.. now.
always love ur work on the guitars, splatt! cant wait for the whole album to be out. \m/

ur Curve EQ are set with the original presets? i havent use anything from this eq yet.
Nothing too add man, just hate the fact that it cuts off halfway.. haha, that says enough no?

Mix ix great, vox are great, song is great, CD.. now.

Thanks Bob! i'm glad you like it.

always love ur work on the guitars, splatt! cant wait for the whole album to be out. m/

ur Curve EQ are set with the original presets? i havent use anything from this eq yet.

Thanks! The Curve EQ I used is not a preset, I captured the spectrum off guitar sounds from CDs and a recording of my old 5150.

I will definitely buy this album.


Ditto! I've been waiting a long time for this CD. Hurry up already! :lol:

Like I said before, just 2 more songs to track vocals on, but I still have a few songs to mix properly.

I'm guessing that you're aware of this and you're going to fix it but I'll mention it just in case...the fade out is too abrupt I think.
Personally I would also make it longer.

Holy crap, thanks for noticing. I accidentally clicked the wrong fadeout ramp in Cubase. It is indeed way too fast.