New member @ updates rant

Bah, if you've seen ATG then that's cool. If not, GO! Should be a killer show anyways. I left Dan a voicemail yesterday but don't know if he got it due to his freaking inbox being FULL again...answer and clean out your messages! HAHAHA....

I got your message, was pretty busy though.
I may or may not got, being laid off for 2 weeks and having to pay for studio time killed me.
We'll see. I am kinda leaning towards Aaaari's (one A right lol) opinion on the whole matter.

Kleo: Members are working out well actually. Last night I may have recruited a synth player and a 3rd guitarist too. :rock:
The 15 year old dork in me wants to see ATG but the practical guy inside is like
a) skipping work will get me fired
b) they've done the precise opposite of growing on me over the years
c) I'm supposed to be obsessed with Aari and Aaaron
so unless my buddy somehoiw parlays babysitting for Peter Dolving into passes so I can ask more "Metal Legend" types to join the reformation of SOPE... not worth it.
Oh hye Lex is out of town a couple nights next week. When is practice and would you mind me popping by (likely afterwards) with beer or something?
Oh hye Lex is out of town a couple nights next week. When is practice and would you mind me popping by (likely afterwards) with beer or something?

Sure man.
We play on Monday nights from 7:30 to 9:30 ish I have ork the next day though, so, it would have to be a kind of early night 11:00 is.
You are more than welcom to hang at the rehersal if you want too man.
Yeah. Probably won't work. I am out of here 9:30 the earliest and the car's an hour by train then factor in me getting lost... haha
I hope the massive band thing works live. If you've got the right people... it should though. Sure things got overwhelming with smaller configurations sometimes but take into account that you had an admittedly trashed member missing cues alongside someone who had issues singing live. That sort of shit takes a toll.
The idea of three guitarists.. sounds like a brutal rebirth! Lots of textures/layers/melody, I am guessing, adding another element to the SOB sound. I am looking forward to hearing some of this.

the only thing it would really change is the live dan said, the new song has something insane like 7 or 8 separate guitar parts at one point in the song. the older stuff is written for at least 3 guitars in most parts, too....and then when you account for the fact that some of the live arrangements also have guitars playing parts that were originally violin or cello on the studio version, well.....
shroud has so many members that...

Haverhill just announced the opening of The Frank Rizzo Memorial Home for Wayward Members of Bereavement

Cuba felt threatened and sent Dan a declaration of war.

Touring requires an armada of buses and trucks equivalent to Iron Maiden at their peak... provided half the band forgets their gear.

When stuck in a remote locale by a lame promoter, the guys raise enough money to cover gas, tolls, meals, and road beers for the rest of the tour via group sperm bank donations.

Drummer Dan C. was tragically killed when a group of overzealous Civil War reenactors mistook the band for the entire union army.

The one thing longer than A Rose For a Dying Muse is the post-gig headcount.

Members wear reflective vests at gigs to maintain sight of one another.

They could trade Ari for a pack of smokes and still have enough meat to survive a Siberian winter.
i think that may be my first real inclusion in Shroud humor
Aari donated an "a" to young M-tilda McRamusen saying "Kids picked on her relentlessly. Plus our booklet layout guy is already having trouble making room for the doom dancing bear troupe."

The band was asked to perform at a lagging wind power plant with the belief that even their slow paced headbanging would generate more than enough propulsion to compensate for their equipment while simultaneously powering Kansas City.

Band members generally outnumber the audience. Seriously.