New Meshuggah song sample

Sounds great. Can't wait for this EP and their new record.

As far as I'm concerned "Chaosphere" and "Destroy, Erase, Improve" are 2 of the best metal records ever, although I was disappointed with the sonic direction in "Nothing".

One thing you can say about Meshuggah, all their records are completely different in sound, and at the very least are complex and impressive.

I'll never understand why so many bash Meshuggah on places like Blabbermouth. My only conclusion can be lots just don't get it, or are just too lazy to pay attention.
I think there's also this whole "I'm waaaay more underground than you" sentiment on other boards, as well as here. When will all of that stop? I mean...can't we all just get along?

....that's it...I'm going to start writing a metal version of "We are the World."
I don't dislike Meshuggah because of the "popularity." I just don't find their music interesting.

That said, Contradictions Collapse had a few awesome thrash moments.
BlessedAreTheSick said:
I'll never understand why so many bash Meshuggah on places like Blabbermouth. My only conclusion can be lots just don't get it, or are just too lazy to pay attention.

Saying this about any band is a good way to be quickly labeled as an arrogant, clueless twat.
polarity said:
Saying this about any band is a good way to be quickly labeled as an arrogant, clueless twat.

Good thing I'm not too worried about the opinions of the faceless internet masses, I suppose.

That does not change my conclusion. You can love or hate Meshuggah but to say "they suck" is a very novice music opinion. They are very talented and unique musicans, fact, love them or hate them.
Caelum Adustum said:
I don't like Meshuggah becuase they're uninteresting and they make bad music.

"chugga chugga chugga"

Have you heard "New Millennium Cyanide Christ" or "Corridors of Chameleons", or "Future Breed Machine"? Just curious. I think there's a lot of people who have only heard "Nothing", which for me at least was a letdown, unlike DEI and Chaosphere.
Yes, I have heard all of those songs. I used to be a big Meshuggah fan back in '98-'00ish. They still have a few cool songs, but as far as I'm concerned they've used up all of their creativity.