New METAL band coming....

Metal Flame

Dec 12, 2001
On tuesday night, we jammed.
It was fuckin awesome for a first jam!
We played all sorts of traditional METAL!

Drums: Kevin Dominic (Afterforever,Festered Corpse)
Guitar: Steve Marks (ex-1134)
Bass: Harry Clarke (Detonation)

Once we get on the go with this we will be auditioning singers as for a second guitarist?Who knows?

We wont be on the go for awhile (maybe mid-summer)

But man was it ever deadly...


That is indeed great news. It's good to see Kevin back playing drums. He's a great drummer!!! I still wish the Visions of Darkness line-up of AfterForever would reunite eh!!! That's the band (from here) that I miss the most. Too bad Danny is doing that Hardliner thing and not a metal band :(

Visions Of Darkness is a cool album. Rick Hollett used to be my guitar teacher, he lent it too me and it was great. I wish i copied the tape though. If someone could u/l it as mp3s, it would be excellant.
Originally posted by NFMetalLegion

Does Renny still sell the tape? If not, sure thing...or I can upload it for you as MP3's??

I don't think he has any left to sell,
it would be great if you uploaded them to mp3