New Metal Fans Website

:rock: Hi there guys.
Great news that Anthrax are coming back for us all here in Australia. I can not wait. In the next week or so i am hoping to do an interview with charlie on my website you will all be able to check it out at the following address

You will be able to follow the links to the page.
I am also starting up another website dedicated 100% to hard rock ?metal fans worldwide.
If you would like to submit your metal artwork or a photo of your metal inspired tattoos or a pic with your fave band please email me at
I am hopeing to have this new site up and running in the next 2 weeks so hurry if you wanna be apart of it.
Also include the following info, how old is the pic? name, age. location, fave bands, & songs.
Greatest metal moments?
please supply the following info to the above email addy along with your pictures.
Under no circumstances will any of your private info be given out to anyone who submits photos to my site.
If someone needs/wants to contact you they will have to email me there details & i will pass them on to you.
Well guys thats all for now
I hope to hear from you all soon
Keep Rockin
Cameron :rock:
You might notice that replies on this messageboard are lacking.
If you post something, you might have to wait about 24 hours until you get a reply...
But I'm looking forward to your site!