New Metallica song "The Day that Never Comes"

anyone have the answer to why he sings like shit after the first 3-4 albums? he basically just talks into the mic now and goes uaaah after every few words.

is it just because he's older now and his voice has changed with age?
I think he forgot that Metallica isn't a country band. Oh, and regardless of whether or not some people like his voice, he's really not a great singer.
anyone have the answer to why he sings like shit after the first 3-4 albums? he basically just talks into the mic now and goes uaaah after every few words.

is it just because he's older now and his voice has changed with age?

im pretty sure he ruined his voice recording/or touring for the black album
I've just listened to ...And Justice For All on their myspace and it's much worse than the original. They can't even play it right anymore.
Was a bit surprised to see complaints about the vocals. I mean, have you heard how he sounds live these days? His voice is kinda fucked up, considering this I think he sounds fucking fantastic in this song.
You either make good music or you don't. It doesn't matter how you do it. They're not making good music, so it doesn't matter if it's the best music they can make, if it's not good music then fuck them.

im pretty sure he ruined his voice recording/or touring for the black album

He said he did. How you fuck up your voice in a way that makes you end every line with "-ah" I don't understand, but whatever.
My mind is much more open to this new album than I would have ever expected. I mean, I am a Cliff guy! I had "RIP Metallica 1983-1986" or whatever in my sig. But for some reason I have an open mind and even didn't hate that song.
Not what i was hoping for. It's not bad music, but the song doesn't seem to flow well. It has grown on me the last couple of listens though, so who knows.

Hope this is one of the weaker songs on the album.
I hate how they are so afraid of sounding dated. I guess that is why we will never hear the crunchy thrashy guitar sound from them ever again.

For Metallica "modern" and bland > "dated" and good.

Did they lose the settings on their guitars/amps/whatever that gave them that sound on the first 4 albums? Even when they play live they no longer have the "jjjjjuunt jjjunt" sound from the glory days.

What's with the drum beat the entire 2nd half of the song? It's exactly the same the whole time. This was supposed to be like Justice? Wow.

Some parts of the song do have a nice groove to them, but just as I'm getting into it a part like, "this I swear!" comes in and ruins it.

All this said, I will buy the album the day it comes out just like always... I just can't help myself.
I thought it was pretty decent to be honest. The song reminds me of Sanitarium sort of. James Hetfield can't sing for shit though, but I'm willing to overlook that. I'll give the new album a chance.
God that was fucking terrible was at metallica two days ago and they played another song of their new album jaysus it was horrible everyone stoped moshing and we all stood there in disbelief and tried to enjoy it until they played something old school, i was embarrased for them..

Also if anyone was at Marley park in dublin on wednesday fucking deadly mosh:kickass:
I can't believe noone (well one mentioned the "demo" sound) has commented on the awful snare/tom sound. It's hard to get past for me.

I thought maybe it was the MySpace version or maybe the one they posted was unmastered or something. I went and bought the single off itunes to check, and sadly, it's the same.

It baffles me how they can be happy with the quality of that drum sound, although I am fine with the kick. guitars are decent as well, but ugh, those friggin drums. And the snare is WAY out in front, annoying as hell.

Song had some cool parts in it, and if anything glad to see they let Kirk solo again.