although i appriciate your concern for the longevity and content of this topic, i think that everything we could talk about for the new mini cd and line up have already been exhausted to their full potential. having that said, merry christmas, even though i do worship the devil!
Yeah we get off topic. But I'm pretty sure we had some drunk people last night haha. Besides, if news comes out this thread will be back on topic so fuckin' fast you won't remember it was ever off-topic. It's always been that way pretty much. Everyone goes off on tangents and any tidbit that comes out gets everybody serious again.
I'm drinking black fucking coffee...I had no alcohol whatsoever I did see Sweeny Todd...What an awesome movie. Gory as hell!
Are you kidding me? Sweeny Todd was made for emo's, I swear it.

My stomach turns even from the commercials. But if enough people tell me it was good I might see it.
Anybody else feeling anxious? We were told at the end of the year for 2007 something would happen.
Mike's little list he had going stated that Unblessing The Purity was one of his top picks for the year.

So, that means we have Today, Sunday and Monday tops until we receive order details ;)

If not then, I beleive we are going to be waiting a lot longer ...
I think we will have to wait about 6 moths before they get the green light to announce the vocalist and another 6 for the album to come.
What is a couple more months anyway??
We have been waiting for like 9 now already???

Anders also mentioned there would be some good news about Diabolical Masquerade by the end of the year...which has not come... and I really hope it does.