New mix, a whole lot of changes.


New Metal Member
Mar 24, 2009
Hi there! I'm not posting in here so often but I do read a lot of threads that goes on in here. I've learned a few tips here and there and I've used those tips in a mix I've done yesterday to test out a new drum app called "Addictive Drum". I've always had that problem that many new recorders have: Making a drum sound decent and not too "Machine-like". So here's my yesterday's attempt.

I hope you can tell me what you like and dislike in my mix, so that I can work on it in full knowledge of "where should I precisely aim" to get a great sound.

Thanks in advance and keep up the good work, folks. I've heard most of your samples and I've heard many great songs and sound tests. :)


PS: Don't mind the little offtimes here and there, it was just meant for a test. ;)
Hi there! I'm not posint in here so often but I do read a lot of threads that goes on in here. I've learned a few tips here and there and I've used those tips in a mix I've done yesterday to test out a new drum app called "Addictive Drum". I've always had that problem that many new recorders have: Making a drum sound decent and not too "Machine-like". So here's my yesterday's attempt.

I hope you can tell me what you like and dislike in my mix, so that I can work on it in full knowledge of "where should I precisely aim" to get a great sound.

Thanks in advance and keep up the good work, folks. I've heard most of your samples and I've heard many great songs and sound tests. :)


Sup dude,

Can you re-up through Dropbox or Soundcloud? Makes it easier for everyone to listen to and advise and stuff instead of downloading after every update you do to it ;)

guitars sound alright but muddy, maybe take some low end out and let the bass do it a little more? Snare is clouded also, just needs a little "air" so dick around with 5k up to 16k just find something in that range to get you some more presence but not pain. I can't hear the bass very easily? Bass guitar needs to be a lo more in your face give it a bit harder edge? Maybe 1k / 2k, cymbals are too bassy imo, make sure you cut out everything under like 1k or some shit, you only need the high end and a tiny bit of mids to make it a touch warmer.

Kick is really hard to hear? I can hear it, but it;s too boxy, needs to be harder and more of a click imo, the toms can also do with more treble to peak out in clarity. That's all I an hear for now man...
guitars sound alright but muddy, maybe take some low end out and let the bass do it a little more? Snare is clouded also, just needs a little "air" so dick around with 5k up to 16k just find something in that range to get you some more presence but not pain. I can't hear the bass very easily? Bass guitar needs to be a lo more in your face give it a bit harder edge? Maybe 1k / 2k, cymbals are too bassy imo, make sure you cut out everything under like 1k or some shit, you only need the high end and a tiny bit of mids to make it a touch warmer.

Kick is really hard to hear? I can hear it, but it;s too boxy, needs to be harder and more of a click imo, the toms can also do with more treble to peak out in clarity. That's all I an hear for now man...

So I did a little mod here and there as you said. Problem is; My speakers aren't fair with me; I have a gaming set of speakers.. My lo sounds a lot bigger than on studio/recording/decent speakers. ;)

So here's the link before the mods:
and here's the link after I followed your leads;

My bass drum is hard to get that click-like sound.. but that's probably the best I can do for now... or maybe I just don't know how to use it well by now, it's been only 2 days I've been workin' on Addictive Drums.

Lemme know what you think!
Thnx for the help!
I think the drums are too loud compared to everything else, so raise the guitars and bass imo and also chuck some verb / delay on that snare, it sounds REALLY dry. Other than that it;s a case of sorting out that kick drum and getting the bass guitar heard more.
Still read you well, still tried, still a link;
Still annoying, huh? ;)

I think it sounds better compared to the first one? Snare could do with some more verb as it still sounds really dry to me. Also the kick is the main area of concern for my ears, and I think that the overtone / ring on the snare is a bit overkill? It's very St. Anger hahaha, but it works if you like it :p
I think it sounds better compared to the first one? Snare could do with some more verb as it still sounds really dry to me. Also the kick is the main area of concern for my ears, and I think that the overtone / ring on the snare is a bit overkill? It's very St. Anger hahaha, but it works if you like it :p

Well I think I've solved the bass drum and the ringy snare part! I think the 'verb on the snare isn't loud enough, but for tonight, I think that oughta do the job! Final verdic for you, then i'll leave you in peace! ;)
Kick sounds a lot better man, everything sounds a lot better, chuck a bit more verb on the snare and you're done as far as I can take you man. Best of luck! x

Thnx a lot dude! You've helped me big time! :D It sounds awesome! I'll keep these settings so next time I record something else, everything should be way easier to get to a nice finish product! :D BTW, I've listened to your band in your link. You're doing a great job! :D

Thnx again!
