New Mix - Please Berate and smack me around.


Sep 12, 2006
Sup, yo?

I posted a quick shample of a mix I'm working with. Alot of things I hear from responses I get in here, is that my bass is always way too loud. And that's leveling all sorts of charges at me, and i don't need that, thank you, I'm sorry!

So i put a small mix up, never mind the tune, it's a rough draft, but please help me out otherwise, unless you like the riffage, then please do tell!


The song is "In Tension".
I actually liked it. If I had to pick a part that need attention it would be the drums in my opinion. Snare's there in the mix but the guitars are absolutely up front in comparison. I would try to bring out a little bit more attack of the snare to keep the mix more even between the drums and guitars. I'm assuming once there are vocals over this you will have to adjust the guitars down a bit so maybe that advice isn't the best. I enjoyed it none the less. Sorry for my weak advice duder!!
Thanks man, I seem to have an issue with my snare "crack" if it's too high, it's almost ear peircing, so i turn it down, and if i just fix it with EQ it becomes too middy.