New mix! Pop-rock(ish) Please take a listen

Scott Horner

Scottimus Maximus
What's up guys? This is only my 2nd mix that I've posted here but I think its ready for some input. Its not at all metal but I would still appreciate your auditory wisdom and insight. I've got it to a point where I need some outside perspective to figure out what could be improved. Please take a listen and let me know what you think!
Thanks guys! Now that you mention it, those cymbals do need some work so thanks for pointing that out.

As far as the bass goes, it was just a cheap bass with new strings. One track was low passed at 200 Hz heavily limited to keep it solid and another with a low shelf starting around 200Hz. Both were run through Ampeg SVX and further limited with a slight dip in the low mids and a bit of a top end boost to bring out the pick attack. I can't remember the exact settings because I'm at work but I'll be glad to post screen-shots later if you'd like.
Thanks guys! Now that you mention it, those cymbals do need some work so thanks for pointing that out.

As far as the bass goes, it was just a cheap bass with new strings. One track was low passed at 200 Hz heavily limited to keep it solid and another with a low shelf starting around 200Hz. Both were run through Ampeg SVX and further limited with a slight dip in the low mids and a bit of a top end boost to bring out the pick attack. I can't remember the exact settings because I'm at work but I'll be glad to post screen-shots later if you'd like.

i'd really appreciate that if you'd be so kind.