New mix up (Dropbox this time!)



I took alot of your comments on board after the last thread, and the one which stuck in my mind the most was "You need a vision of what you want it to sound like".

So I went out and researched some products and came across "The Mixing Engineers Handbook" by Bobby Owsinski and so far I've read through about 80 Pages out of around 270 and man.. I'll tell ya it has completely changed my outlook on mixing.

I'm far from a professional, I barely make the grade at amature, but I'm definitely starting to understand why things happen in certain ways and which frequencies effect what type of sounds etc as well how to apply compression properly tanks to this recent find.

So with this wealth of knowledge in mind I got straight to mixing the track from the other thread and I really think I've taken a much more objective path, it has the punch I was lacking, the clarity I wanted and sounds a hell of alot better than anything else I've done so far.

So yeah man, I'd really dig it if you guys could check it out and let me have your thoughts on it!


Ok, I've added a Gate to the snare as the highat sponge was driving me insane.. it clouded everything, this also means that I can use the OH's properly now! And yeah man I know what you mean now about the OH's sounding wierd!

MP3 added: Metal Mix Full.mp3


great stuff mate !!!

a few points though - the guitars have no "meat" - maybe try a shelving boost @ 150 hz - what processing did you use on them?

drums are nice and clear but the snare could use a bit more compression or a cut at 1khz

how did get rid of the bleed from the hats on the snare channel? that was my trouble!!!
great stuff mate !!!

a few points though - the guitars have no "meat" - maybe try a shelving boost @ 150 hz - what processing did you use on them?

drums are nice and clear but the snare could use a bit more compression or a cut at 1khz

how did get rid of the bleed from the hats on the snare channel? that was my trouble!!!

Hey thanks man!

Ok I'll give the guitars a boost and see how it fits, and I can't get the fuckin snare to sit at all... any tips? It's like a whole song working together but the snare sounds like its by itself.. cant seem to get it to sit with everything else at all..

The guitars were Guitar rig 4.. I used a tiny bit of compression and a low shelf from 20Hz to about 150Hz

I'm also trying a new technique with a limiter.. if you set the delay to the tempo of the track 198 BMP so a delay setting of 38 and give the bass / drums a little nudge of about 2 / 3 DB on the input you get a VERY subtle pumpng effect which adds so much excitement.

and for the snare / highhate problem I simply used it as it was.. by trying to eliminate the hats I lost too much uality from the snare sound.. so rather than compressing it with a tiny threshhold and fast attack I simply panned the OH's and turned em down.. let the snare channel hats do the alking insead of forcing in the OH's too.

Hope that helped man!

Hey thanks man!

Ok I'll give the guitars a boost and see how it fits, and I can't get the fuckin snare to sit at all... any tips? It's like a whole song working together but the snare sounds like its by itself.. cant seem to get it to sit with everything else at all..

The guitars were Guitar rig 4.. I used a tiny bit of compression and a low shelf from 20Hz to about 150Hz

I'm also trying a new technique with a limiter.. if you set the delay to the tempo of the track 198 BMP so a delay setting of 38 and give the bass / drums a little nudge of about 2 / 3 DB on the input you get a VERY subtle pumpng effect which adds so much excitement.

and for the snare / highhate problem I simply used it as it was.. by trying to eliminate the hats I lost too much uality from the snare sound.. so rather than compressing it with a tiny threshhold and fast attack I simply panned the OH's and turned em down.. let the snare channel hats do the alking insead of forcing in the OH's too.

Hope that helped man!


genius re the snare hats bleed!!! well done

i used a ducker on the snare set to open with every snare hit and cloce right after (key gating its sometimes called)
but it didnt really work that well on my mix.

about your snare - i'd simply open up your session - reduce fader by 1b - and have a compressor with a 30ms attack - fast release - just to keep it tucked in a bit - oh and was it just me or did the overhead tracks sound weird?? (not yours the original wavs)
genius re the snare hats bleed!!! well done

i used a ducker on the snare set to open with every snare hit and cloce right after (key gating its sometimes called)
but it didnt really work that well on my mix.

about your snare - i'd simply open up your session - reduce fader by 1b - and have a compressor with a 30ms attack - fast release - just to keep it tucked in a bit - oh and was it just me or did the overhead tracks sound weird?? (not yours the original wavs)

Already had the attack at 38 so the snare is pretty tight as is.. just played with the reverb and gave the guitars a little more bootom end like you suggested!

so check the top for an updated file see what you think :D

and I can't remember I wasn't really paying hat (pun intended) much attention man, I just started with the snare, brought in the bass, then kicks, then guitars, then vocals, overheads last and then played around til everything sat ok.
like the gtrs on this one - why not try the free vst tsx and cab impulse? i cant as it maxes my cpu out

how much gain reduction you getting on the snare and what compressor you using?
yo venemorte - check this for an example of aggressive but punchy snare compression >>my tune and mix

you want a slow attack but fast release - and about 3 to 5db of gain reduction - then use make up gain to taste -
like the gtrs on this one - why not try the free vst tsx and cab impulse? i cant as it maxes my cpu out

how much gain reduction you getting on the snare and what compressor you using?

I'll give it a bash at some pont man thanks for letting me know about it.. ok Snare settings:


Gain input = 0.5db
Gain output = 0db


Threshhold = -57.4db (really cuts down the hats)
Ratio = 2
Makeup = 24
Attack = 38 (gets a huge snap on the snare, you can also try around 13 for a tighter snap)

Release = 38 (To match the song tempo, set the release of all delays, reverbs and effects to this number for this track a it creates a VERY tight mix when the effects match the tempo of the track).

Hold = 0
Analysis = 81

and some EQ to fatten it up, give it some presence and a cut at 1k like you suggested.

yo venemorte - check this for an example of aggressive but punchy snare compression >>my tune and mix

you want a slow attack but fast release - and about 3 to 5db of gain reduction - then use make up gain to taste -

Pretty much already doing that but using a quicker attack time for a bigger snap :p

any chance of an high quality mp3 for those of us with shit internet?

Sure man, whacked it up just now! Check the first post again :D

hope this helps you both!
The bits where the ride cymbal or whatever the fuck it is that, like at 24 seconds, 35 seconds etc, it's a bit obnoxious and it really buries the guitars when that happens.
The whole affair could do with less master bus push, because it's really a bit too loud and smashed IMO.

Another bit, 2:47, the snare just buries everything a bit
The bits where the ride cymbal or whatever the fuck it is that, like at 24 seconds, 35 seconds etc, it's a bit obnoxious and it really buries the guitars when that happens.
The whole affair could do with less master bus push, because it's really a bit too loud and smashed IMO.

Another bit, 2:47, the snare just buries everything a bit

What do you mean by Master bus Push? Compression or Output Volume?

And yeah man I see what you mean.. so jus whack the snare down a bit and tighten up those cymbals?
Probably more a case of automation than just turning down the faders I think (on the snares)
And yeah, the overall volume is just a bit overkill I think
Probably more a case of automation than just turning down the faders I think (on the snares)
And yeah, the overall volume is just a bit overkill I think

I forgot about automation.. what a dumbass hahaha that's gonna be frustrating without a knob to hold onto (don't crack a joke :D) I guess you can program that shit in though right?

Thanks for the reminder :D


ok Automation done on the snare uploading now so the link will be broken between 4:25 and 4:30