New Mix, would like some input (revalv3, Super 2.0)


always a n00b
Aug 15, 2008
Saskatchewan Canada
Hey guys. I am currently working on this song.....

Im just in the lyric writing stage and trying out some singing styles and ideas. The music is all recorded, but now im doing the mixing and lyrics.

Anybody have any current tips for this mix?!?

Guitars are Revalver 3

Bass is Guitar Rig 3

Drums are Superior 2.0

Various other plugs were used.

Any tips/suggestions for the singing or anythign would be appreciated. To save space im only uploading the first minute or so!!!!
Hey guys, I uploaded a new sample. Im working on the vocals. Im having issues writing anything good, and singing it in a good tone. Still having issues there, but have a listen.

Anyhow, if you have any good compression/EQ tips, id appreciate them.

I did everything, singing to bass to guitar, to drums (via my Roland kit)!