new user... would like to post some of my stuff


always a n00b
Aug 15, 2008
Saskatchewan Canada
Im a new user to the forum. Im glad I found it, Ive found TONS of great info by just using the search button so far!!

However, its time to take it to the next level. I am heavily influenced by Maiden, priest, Iced Earth, etc....etc....

I play all the instruments, and do all the main vocals as well as backgrounds. I live in a small community in Saskatchewan Canada, not many fellow musicians.

Here are some tunes I have done. Id love to hear some criticisms.......

I have other stuff as well, but after spending my work bonus on Superior Drummer 2 and Revalver, I want to take it to the next level....

Let me know what I can work on... Thanks!!!
Just finished listening to edge of insanity. Sounds really good dude:)
The guitars are a bit fuzzy but it kind of works for this type of tune.
You recorded the vocals really well. Thought they could go up just a tiny tiny bit.
What did you use for the bass? It sounds pretty good.
Im assuming your using s2.0 for the drums as you said you just bought it, so which snare are you using. It sounds nice!! Just needs a little bit more crack.
The only thing I have a problem with is the hi hats, they don't sound very realistic at all, maybe try fooling with the different velocities to get a better feel for the hit hats. Not too much though, as that randomizing feature in s2.0 doesn't really do too much good for the cymbals.
How many of the room mics are you using?.

Overall i think you did a really good job dude!!!
The links seems to work fine for me...... I had to delete my web pages because I had a script for what I thought was a music player that turned out to be bunk. Im redoing it all, but the links should work and theres no viruses in there. I'll fix it up tonight and I apologise, it's embarassing.

thanks for listening guys....

Im self taught, so the playing isnt super tight or clean. the tone is guitar rig 3, and I DONT like it, but thats my current quest, better guitar tone (im in a basement suite, mic'ing is currently not an option)

My gear consists of...

Ibanez Guitars (a custom and a RGT42), a cheap Dean Bass, a roland/Pintech drum kit, and Cubase 3 with various freeware plugs for basic stuf, and Superior and GR3/Revalver for guitar tones.

If anybody ever wants to get together and work on some prohjects, id love to meet like minded people who are interested..
p.s Jess... For edge of Sanity, that was guitar Rig 3, and DKHS, not 2.0. Im trying to remix it with 2.0, and Im going to redo the vocals as when I tracked them, I had toomuch compression applied, and they got sybillilant(?)...

Ive been reading some of your threads. I think that if I had your mixing skills, my stuff would sound a lot better, so in the future I might have to pester you for some presets and such!

Ive also got 4 more songs on my site that I need to reupload that are all in a similar vein
Ohh ok, thought is was 2.0
Stoked to hear it when your finished remixing it with 2.0, that program sounds alot more real.

Haha my mixing skills arnt good at all, im still doing alot of learning. Trying to read as much stuff on hear as I can, some of its a bit hard to find tho:mad: lol

Im not the biggest fan of Guitar rig, I use amplitube 2 right now, but I would love to start messing around in the new revalver, ive heard some really good recordings done with that program.
And yea once you get your s2.0 all figured out id be glad to give you some presets:)

p.s Jess... For edge of Sanity, that was guitar Rig 3, and DKHS, not 2.0. Im trying to remix it with 2.0, and Im going to redo the vocals as when I tracked them, I had toomuch compression applied, and they got sybillilant(?)...

Ive been reading some of your threads. I think that if I had your mixing skills, my stuff would sound a lot better, so in the future I might have to pester you for some presets and such!

Ive also got 4 more songs on my site that I need to reupload that are all in a similar vein
I redid it with Superior 2, but it may be a little over processed on the snare. IT sounds too computerised still. Any tips to make it less "machine" like?!?!? reclick the file up top, all 3 are now redone fully with S2!

S2.0 comes with a great humanizing feature, just make sure you have all the options selected and also try using different velocities when the snare wouldn't be hit as hard. Im pretty sure there is also a right and left hand version of the snare in the automatic drum map, if your doing rolls or any kind of consecutive snare hits that are pretty fast, try mixing it up with right and left handed hits. And also experiment with the room mic's bleed feature, they can really give a great natural sound to the kit. I like to turn the bleed on the kick down a bit so I can get that nice metal sounding kick but thats just me. Experiment to find what you like and go with it.
You can also use s2.0's bounce feature, it bounces all the drum tracks with all the bleed turned on to your desktop, it gives you a chance to mix the drums like you would be mixing an actual mic'd kit. That could also give you a more natural sound.

Try running a low pass filter on the guitars around 12khz or whatever you like to get rid of that really fizzy sound.

Hey DJab, any tips how to get more punch/bite on the guitars?!?!?

Im going to start by slowing the attack on both the rhythm and solo guitars. That exhibits a little bit of "pumping", but If you reclick Edge of Sanity, it's been done, so if you could do me the favour and listening again, let me know if it's overdone or not!!!

-edit- had to correct that. Anytime the solo would kick in, it would sound totally unnatural... Back to the drawing board!
Hey DJab, any tips how to get more punch/bite on the guitars?!?!?

Im going to start by slowing the attack on both the rhythm and solo guitars. That exhibits a little bit of "pumping", but If you reclick Edge of Sanity, it's been done, so if you could do me the favour and listening again, let me know if it's overdone or not!!!

-edit- had to correct that. Anytime the solo would kick in, it would sound totally unnatural... Back to the drawing board!

When you mean you're gonna slow down the attack... you mean you compressed the guitars right ? I don't think you should compress them... at least distorted guitars since it's already kinda compressed.

For the bite thing this is what i did and it worked for me :
"+2dB around 3k and +2dB around 5K on the guitars EQ"

Here is my Guitars EQ in my DAW :

check this thread for more info :
Nice stuff, and good job! 80's metal fan here, so I love this kind of stuff. After listening several times, here's the things that strike me (and these just my opinions):

1. The guitars could be a little thicker sounding. Just a little bit of tweaking, and mainly using the right cabinet impulses for your sound.

2. The cymbals are a little distracting. They could use more room sound on them to kind of glue them together in the mix, instead of kind of ping ponging back and forth. From what I've heard of Superior 2.0 so far, this has been the weakest spot (just my opinion)...the cymbals, and too much separation.

3. Is it just me, or is there some kind of artificial stereo imaging going on with the drums...mainly kick and snare? Because the sound is more dominant on the left side.

As one one-man-band (who doesn't have the guts to do his own vocals) to another...really good job. I like it. :kickass: I can let you hear my own latest 80's metal type clip, but don't want to hijack your thread.

Tell me about your vocal chain. They could come up in the mix a bit, but overall sound really nice.

Your stuff reminds me of the band Riot from the 80's. Nice work.

Riot. Thunder Steel. Ahhh...great stuff.
im getting nuts here with all the tweaking going on :) Im trying all sorts of reverbs, trying to over simplify, trying to overcomplicate....etc.....

Ive got a Stereo Widener going on the master bus, maybe its wreaking havoc somewhere?!?!

I agree on the Superior cymbals as well. It is what it is, and I havent looked into fixing it! Thanks for the tips, I am going to continue trying to tweak throughout the day!!!

and yes, post your own stuff as well!!!
So open a new thread and bring it on! Standing by to stand by.

Okey you go.

im getting nuts here with all the tweaking going on :) Im trying all sorts of reverbs, trying to over simplify, trying to overcomplicate....etc.....

Ive got a Stereo Widener going on the master bus, maybe its wreaking havoc somewhere?!?!

I agree on the Superior cymbals as well. It is what it is, and I havent looked into fixing it! Thanks for the tips, I am going to continue trying to tweak throughout the day!!!

and yes, post your own stuff as well!!!

Just my advice, take it with a grain of salt...but stay away from stereo wideners unless you just really think you need it. Especially the wide band variety. I'm not saying they can't be useful, or there aren't any good ones...just be careful. Or even better, try out the multiband stereo widening in Izotope Ozone. You can increase (or decrease) the width of just groups of frequencies instead of the whole spectrum. It's really good for pulling the bass back to the center at times.

Post updates! :headbang:
grywolf, thats what i was using, Izotope is my favourite plugin!!

i uploaded another drier, sample, but Im not sure if all this experimenting is sending me forward or back. I think I may redo the guitars in Revalver 3, as they were Guitar Rig 2 before, and I feel Revalver might get me a better sound with tweaking!!!

I do like your clip. The rhythm guitars really find a good wide place in the mix, and the harmonies are cool....

It's dying to get some vocals in there man. Let me go put on some spandex and I'll work on some screams...

As always, I appreciate the feedback though, Im just happy people take the time to listen to some of the hard work ive put in!