new Mix


New Metal Member
Sep 10, 2010
Hey guys!
I just got my new PC and I'm working on a new sound for the upcoming EP of my band "One Last Hero".

I quickly recorded this short clip to tweak my sound.
There is no bass yet cause I always have problems with getting a decent basstone that fits into my mixes...
I usually use Ampeg SVX for bass but in this clip you can only hear some Pod Farm guitars and Steven Slate EX Samples.
I hope you like it! =)
If you have any advice for getting a proper basstone pleaselet me know!

Here's the clip:
quick question:

why is it, every time someone "joins a band" and they want someone else to hear what they have been working on... it's always some 20 sec clip of the half hashed idea of the song?

honestly, though... finish tracking the song = bass/vocals/other arrangement ideas... THEN show it off.

otherwise, the judgment will bill scarce.

this really just sounds like a guitar noodling behind some programmed drums... it's kinda "tin" sounding, not enough low-end. sounds like the drums are compressed too much (for my taste). i'm really not trolling here, it's just something i thought about, anyone is free to tell me off. ;)

ps. congratz on the new PC, mang!
No, this is definitely not intended to be a full song and it has nothing to do with my band, except the sound I try to improve!
I did not just recently join my band if you mean that by saying: "every time someone joins a band..."!
Thx anyway!
That is the reason why I posted this!
To hear different opinions and to find new parts to work on!

Seems you are pissed because you expected an 5 minute killer-song or whatever. As I said, this is just how I work. I record a little part, mix it, show it to other people, tweak it, add new parts, show it again, tweak it, then save the template and look how this sound works for my band's songs!

Cheers man! =)
I think what he's saying is that if you have a more complete mix and showcase what you are capable of then you can get way better advice!

Your band is really good but, man. Do you record the band yourself?
for the record: not pissed, just a question.

it appears to be a common method of song writing on this forum.

i leave you with this:


graffiti artist:

just sayin'