New mix!

intro was interesting, mix is a little muddy and needs clarity. i think the guitars might be too loud and are drowning out the drums. maybe boost some higher frequencies on the snare to bring it forward
Hahah in a good way I hope. Thanks for the input btw. Definitely going to take another look at my low end clean it up a bit more and make my snare a bit more in-your-face
I don't really like the intro. The reverb is too strange and those cuts give me a headache. Certainly a matter of taste though.
As a reference, check this one :
Guitar tone seems good but it's buried. The main problem IMO comes from the kick and the snare.
The kick needs some EQ to remove the muddiness.
The snare lacks of high frequencies.
Overall, the song is good. Good job !
Yeah I'm gunna mess with the intro a bit more and see if I can't get it to flow a lot smoother. I think I might hpf my kick a little more and just cut the mids to make it more clean.
thank you :)
Thanks everyone for the feedback, jotting down all the things that need tweaking. and diego is there anything specifically that stands out that you think needs it? or just the whole mix in general?
Another thing i noticed that might need more work is clearing up some more head room and higher frequencies for the cymbals to breathe more on certain parts, but do you all think they sound fine?
Fixed my snare problem finally. found out the problem was my room mic pulling the snare waaaay too far back in the mix so i eq'd the snare out of the room mic track a bit This is a reupload with the new remixed snare and a tad remix on the guitars (messed with the toms a little too). I used a very slight hint of harmonic exciter across the whole spectrum and i think it added a ton of definition to the whole thing from my perspective. when i compared the 2 tracks afterwards, the first was definitely a lot muddier. Couldn't get too much of the mud out on the new one =/ but it does sound better from what i can tell, but feedback from others would be awesome. pretend the intro isnt there btw, i'm still trying to think of some more ideas on what exactly i want there lol
Now it sounds way better! If you want more clarity in rhythm guitars, try to achieve the best tone from the beginning, the usual advice here will be a Shure SM57 or Audix i5 in the sweet spot of the speaker. That will be enough to deliver a great guitar tone. Don't eq too much, only filter low and high frequencies (maybe some air in the 6000-8000 range), then add multiband compression (Waves C4 for example) to control the low end. I learned a lot of tips reading here and experimenting for myself, so I suggest you the same.
Awesome! and yeah i've been reading reviews on them recently and they seem to be the thing to go for. i have yet to try much of a multiband on guitars though but im gunna play around with one. i'm guessing the thing to do would be bypass the mid/high bands and just have the lows controlled or so. and definitely. when i have free time at all i'm reading threads on here/experimenting/listening to other people's mixes lol Thank for the help man