New monitors: buy advice

I have tiny genelec's 8020 not so bad, of course now that I used them for a long time I can say the low end is fake lol, at first I liked them a lot.
so what should I buy guys as monitors? Moonlapse had problems with event ASP8 while Oz didn't !
I was thinking Adam A7, but the fact the woofer is 6.5'' maybe won't get me that big natural lowend.
tough decision! I don't know what to do!
Well honestly, I feel having an overly big lowend is actually kind of hampering to making a good (or rather, translatable) mix, in that bass makes everything sound awesome, so you'll be mixing, and feeling the kick punch and the bass guitar fill everything up, and be like "fuck yeahs this is the joint," but when you go to a system that (like most) can't do much under 100 Hz, you'll realize the kick has like no attack and the bass no note definition. So A7's seem like the perfect balance between bass to me! (I remember when I A/B'ed them with the ASP8's the Events had noticeably more bass, but to me that was a bad thing)
Well honestly, I feel having an overly big lowend is actually kind of hampering to making a good (or rather, translatable) mix, in that bass makes everything sound awesome, so you'll be mixing, and feeling the kick punch and the bass guitar fill everything up, and be like "fuck yeahs this is the joint," but when you go to a system that (like most) can't do much under 100 Hz, you'll realize the kick has like no attack and the bass no note definition. So A7's seem like the perfect balance between bass to me! (I remember when I A/B'ed them with the ASP8's the Events had noticeably more bass, but to me that was a bad thing)

Yep..good point. I have ASP8's. Great speakers, but the extended bass responce might be a catch 22. This is why I mix with a high pass at around 50hz; so I can focus on getting everything balaced right above that, so when Im at the final stage of mixing I roll back the filter to around 25hz, and then check/tidey that final area up (you have to monitor at a louder volume for this to make sure those frequencies are accurate and even)
FWIW the Event/Rode Mic crew over here in Oz have been quite good to me in regards to servicing and all. They've offered to service my faulty ASP8s free of charge... though I'm still deciding whether to just sell them off and grab the Opals anyway just for convenience sake!

Honestly, there is no contest between the A7 and the ASP 8s. The ASP 8s are better monitors, plain and simple. They are flatter, more extended and don't have that weird high-end that the Adams do. If I ever get these fixed I will tell you how the stereo imaging is too! More than likely though I'll be telling you how much the Opals shit on everything... (after I demo and buy a pair either this or next week).
All I can say about the Opals is the amount of power they have is just laughably absurd - I mean 750 watts for near- (or even mid-) fields, jesus!
a7s kick arse.
got a set of quested s7s in at the mo too, they are muddy poorly translating pants
lol crikey!

i have yammy hs80, and quite like them. if i want less bass, i turn the monitors down. I usually mix at different volumes, cause you will here more bass when playback is louder.
on occasion, I turn down my monitors, and usually it will make my mix sound better. I make sure my mixes sound good at loud and quiet volumes.
at lower volumes, the vox and guitars seem to sit in front, turning up brings the low end in your face!
I tried out a pair of the 8040s next to a set of Focal Twin 6s and they compared rather favourably. The Gennies were fuller in the lower midrange and seemed markedly less 'hi-fi'... so you'd be working harder for your mix (which is a good thing!). I haven't compared them to any of my favourite monitors though, so I don't know how they stack up directly.
I really want someone to test the Acoustic energy AE22. Apparently it has super fast transients and a nicely extended low end which appeals a lot, price is fairly nice as well.
