New monitors, new sub, what to do????


Apr 19, 2005
New Castle, Indiana
So, I'm looking to increase accuracy in the low end of my mixes. I have 6.5" woofers in my monitors and I use a very very cheap Logitech sub to add just a hint of bass while mixing. It's a cheap unit and doesn't sound that great and is definitely not musical. While I don't think my mixes suffer too much, I just hate the sound coming out of the sub and not using it at all sounds like poo. I need that low end if anything just for my sanity.

I feel like I'm used to my monitors, so I'm hesitant to switch those out for 8" ones, but would just adding a NICE sub be worth it, or should I just jump to better monitors with 8" woofers? I'm thinking better monitors with a larger woofer would be best, but you guys tend to have more experience.
From what I have learned you should make sure you have a decent sub, in a well treated room otherwise things can go horribly wrong. There was a pretty hefty article in SOS a few months back about it. Maybe try getting hold of it (not sure if its online yet) if possible.

I would personally put the money towards a nicer pair of monitors, saves any problems you may have with matching out a sub, and hopefully with better monitors, you may not need the sub so much.
realtraps eh? the realtraps guy himself says, "just put as much bass absorption as you can fit in the room... you can't have too much... nothing else matters nearly as much" words to that effect. essentially he's saying that as long as your room is reasonable size just put basic hi freq absorbers on the walls, leave some reflective surface.. just not in the path of your monitors... and that diffusion can be useful in some situations but is not necessary... but LOAD your room up with bass traps. He straight up says that a "room analysis" is unnecessary for most rooms and often misleading. go figure.
This is a quote from that particular site...

"The only time you might consider making a room entirely dead is when treating a small vocal booth or a very small studio or control room - smaller than, say, ten by ten feet. When a room is very small the reflections are too short to be useful and just make the room boxy sounding. In that case the best solution is to cover all of the surfaces entirely with absorbent material..."

I fall into that category, lol...

I'm using HS80 monitors and my control room is about 6.5'x6'... :erk:

Not really pertinent to the conversation, but still... I forget why I even posted that... train-wrecked-thought... sorry.
Got a pic of that room? I don't want to sound berating, but if your room is set up properly, why are you not getting an accurate bottom end?

Heck, I may be getting an accurate bottom end, I just don't think I am. I know that with my 6.5" drivers I have now I don't, they just don't go low enough to get a feel for the low end. Otherwise, I like them pretty well. The sub I have I know is a POS for the purpose of critical listening, but I like having the extra low end but I realize I can't really use it to judge frequencies - it just adds low end thickness. Thus the reason I posted the thread. I'm looking into some Event's with 8" woofers. I think I like the idea of better monitors rather than a better sub, as I wouldn't mind getting rid of the sub altogether.

Sorry, I have no good pics of the room now. I have some older ones before installing bass traps. After reading James' post, I may not have enough bass traps, though.
You should take into consideration that the majority of awesome mixes were/are mixed on NS-10's.

Subs are fun, sound great when properly adjusted, and can be very useful - especially with rap and pop music...But not a necessity (for any genre) as far as mixing goes. Most of the big rooms didn't even have subs until around 2000.
But on the other hand, most big rooms had big ass speakers in the wall behind the desk. At least those big rooms I've been into.

There's no such thing as a "big room" without mains. I figured that was common knowledge...
FIWIW, I do have the Event ASP8's, and yeah, they were a big step up from my KRK V8's. Then again, I am mixing in a nice sized RFZ room & they're soffit mounted.
