New MORTAL KOMBAT game announced! Back to its 2D MKII roots!


Jul 12, 2005
Seattle, WA

Looks like it's back to its 2D MKII roots! bloody roots! :lol:

This game looks amazing tho.

EDIT: forgot to mention that this will be out in 2011 -- that's the rumor anyway from those that were able to attend E3.
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not really 2D but looks pretty cool if they give up EVERYTHING of the last games (fighting styles, weapons, "pre-made" combos, etc).
The graphics aren´t very impressive (in fact I believe the MK vs DC was better) and I hate that they´ve kept Nightwolf and the robots. Anyway, the body dipped on the toxic pool, the cheesy The Pit and that Kung Lao fatality made me happy : ) I hope they don´t screw this up again like they did on MK 4, that promised to go back to the roots and was an utter crap.

ps: I hope they put some more blood, the teaser is pretty dry.
I agree, the teaser isn't as gory as I wanted it to be. I'm sure it's just to build some hype right now as it's still in development. I'm really hope this is rated M.

The non 2D gameplay scenes you saw was pretty much during the camera zooms during fatalities or special combos. Other than that, it's supposed to have the typical old-school 2D feel to it. They said they wanted to go back to the MK II roots -- a game that any MK fan pretty much cherishes. They didn't want to add a ton of new characters and crap to it like the last few MK games. I think they are targeting old-school MK fans and will most likely stick to as much of that feel as they can.
Yeah I saw this yesterday... I was hoping to see a game in the dark direction of that MK Movie trailer, but now I see it's the same old shit. Yeah , it looks kinda like MK2. That game came out how long ago? Can't a new company (WB) do something new with this game?! And yeah , Nightwolf sucks my balls. I won't pick this up unless it's 9.99 on PSN
not too hopeful about this
modern fighting games are too fast for my liking, and too based around combos and not letting your opponent get a single hit in because you're too busy battering them whereas the older stuff is more about timing, finesse and knowing what move to use at what time.
i guess its a matter of taste, but if ima play some mortal kombat, its gonna be MK2 all the way for me ^_^
this looks nice and gory at least though :D
I'm sure there will be blood , I guess this is a censored trailer. How could someone be cut in half with a saw with no blood lol

Also when Sub Zero stabs Johnny through the chest you see blood actually sticking to him , which is cool
this could turn out pretty good. Back to 2D would be a big improvement in my opinion. Have you guys checked the new Mortal Kombat shortfilm that got released? It's presenting an idea of how Mortal Kombat could get reinvented (for a new movie) and I'm fucking loving it:


funny fact: Ed Boon didn't know this was made. His opinion from twitter: "Its TOTALLY different & probably crosses the line. But as a "re-imagining" and as a film piece on its own, u can't deny its well put 2gether", "A million people asked me what I thought of the MK Rebirth video. Personally I thought it was awesome. Super high production quality!", "But I was just as surprised to see it as everyone else. I had no idea it was being made until it showed up on the internets. All 3 internets"
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From what's been said about this, is that they wanted to return to the original likability of MK II. So i'm assuming this will be nothing like any of the other MK's released after MK III. I'm also pretty sure there will be more blood. But I am definitely going to wait and watch some gameplay on youtube once someone leaks it to see if it's all hype or not.
a game that any MK fan pretty much cherishes.

That's not 100% true. I'm a MKOnline and TRMK lurker for years now (I will never ever sign to one of these boards for different reasons). Die Hard MK fans love MKII for its dark atmosphere and the huge improvement it was after MK. The gameplay (don't get me wrong... I LOVE IT) wasn't that well balanced though. For real competition Ultimate MK3 (arcade version) still seems to be the best Mortal Kombat game in the sense of gameplay and balancing that was ever released. And I'm not talking about taste in this case but about fans who checked the whole game frame by frame and know every "infinite" that's existing. I still love every Mortal Kombat game even though I'm pretty much the only fan of the series around my area I know and none of my friends like to play a few rounds because they never win.
That's not 100% true. I'm a MKOnline and TRMK lurker for years now (I will never ever sign to one of these boards for different reasons). Die Hard MK fans love MKII for its dark atmosphere and the huge improvement it was after MK. The gameplay (don't get me wrong... I LOVE IT) wasn't that well balanced though. For real competition Ultimate MK3 (arcade version) still seems to be the best Mortal Kombat game in the sense of gameplay and balancing that was ever released. And I'm not talking about taste in this case but about fans who checked the whole game frame by frame and know every "infinite" that's existing. I still love every Mortal Kombat game even though I'm pretty much the only fan of the series around my area I know and none of my friends like to play a few rounds because they never win.

Sorry, I was speaking in generalities. I agree that MK III was best suited for competition, but MK II was where that improvement started. I love the first 3 MK games all equally, but for different reasons. Anyone old-school MK fan that loves the first 3 looks like this new one will satisfy hopefully. I haven't enjoyed one MK game since Ultimate MKIII. They all went downhill after that. So I'm really stoked for this. I hope it's not all for nothing.

I REALLY need a PS3

It's going to be cross-platform for PS3 and XBox360. I'm not sure if it'll be on other platforms, but who knows.
I do think that we will be satisfied. Ed Boon said that the MK9 engine will be pretty much the same as MK vs. DC with some changes. I really hope they will go back to LP, HP, LK, HK, RN, BLK times ;) back + LK has to be the sweep again back + hk for chuck norris action and down + hp has to be the uppercut. FOR EVERY CHARACTER :)
I'm really a hardcore fan of the series and you can sell me anything with mortal kombat written on it.

I love the first 3 MK's equally just as you do. First one is just a classic and I love the old asia style that never came back like it was. It's basic as hell but had a huge impact on my childhood. I had the PC version of it. It was censored though which I didn't know. Some day on a lake (two years after I had the game!) some guy told me that there is blood in the game. "Shift - DIP". When Sub Zero ripped of my head for the first time I think something in me changed. :D

A few month later my father came back from work and had MK3 in his hands. I didn't even know there was MK II. I had to wait a few more years until I had the pleasure to play a good version (SNES sucks) of MKII because it was allmost impossible to get in germany (got banned a few weeks after its release!). With good version I mean Arcade. No homeport is as good as the arcade versions except Mk4 which sucked even more in the arcades.
I do think that we will be satisfied. Ed Boon said that the MK9 engine will be pretty much the same as MK vs. DC with some changes. I really hope they will go back to LP, HP, LK, HK, RN, BLK times ;) back + LK has to be the sweep again back + hk for chuck norris action and down + hp has to be the uppercut. FOR EVERY CHARACTER :)
I'm really a hardcore fan of the series and you can sell me anything with mortal kombat written on it.

I love the first 3 MK's equally just as you do. First one is just a classic and I love the old asia style that never came back like it was. It's basic as hell but had a huge impact on my childhood. I had the PC version of it. It was censored though which I didn't know. Some day on a lake (two years after I had the game!) some guy told me that there is blood in the game. "Shift - DIP". When Sub Zero ripped of my head for the first time I think something in me changed. :D

A few month later my father came back from work and had MK3 in his hands. I didn't even know there was MK II. I had to wait a few more years until I had the pleasure to play a good version (SNES sucks) of MKII because it was allmost impossible to get in germany (got banned a few weeks after its release!). With good version I mean Arcade. No homeport is as good as the arcade versions except Mk4 which sucked even more in the arcades.

That can get banned in Germany, but Ramstein's "Pussy" music video can't? wtf? :lol: :lol: :lol:
Times changed. People are more used to brutal games now. Back then we had a really slow internet connection and emulators werent working as they do today so I was pretty much fucked. Not even a chance to get your hands onto the SNES version of MKII because it was rare. No ebay. Horrible times :D