new MP3 from Lights Out

OK , i'm stupid , i know nothing 'bout computers
anyway, thanks LostLenore for helping me out

NP:Expire :) sounds great !
Strangelight said:
Hey Dunc,
The new song is REALLY great!!!!!
Fucking chilling and that spooky feelling!! - really amazing - i guess the album will be great!!:headbang::headbang::headbang:
cedarbreed said:
Hey Pieter I bet you wont dare to stage dive next time they play it !
well i promised Dunc once to start a mshpit on Flowers :devil: (and i wasnt drunk :rolleyes: )
and if you want i'll stagedive too.
Interesting song.. lets see what the new album will bring..
cedarbreed said:
Honestly, if you dare starting a moshpit on Flowers at a gig I happen to attend too , I WILL JOIN !
fun! probably there will be some chairs to throw with :)
and dont forget the 2nd guitar that they dont use while playing flowers :D