new MP3 from Lights Out

no. it would be better if it was shorter (didnt i said that before?) not? it reminds me somehow of the cry of mankind, the guitar playing the same riff over and over again, until you are a bit bored with it.
Hey Dunc this one isnt in the tracklisting announced on the website. Did you write it after or is it a song which name has changed ? Maybe some 'B-Side' for a single ?
Strangelight said:
hehe! Any of yous ever listened to electronic music before?
well, this is no big fuss, this discussion. The length was the only thing which i felt was a bit disturbing. And yes i have listened to electronical stuff. i mentioned Ulver you know. And yes most of the songs have a good length, and there is nothing wrong with this. But the thing is that i feel the repetition of the theme in Expire, is way too long for me. It has nothing to do with it being 8 minutes long. I hope you understand me a bit, it's really no offence, but it's what i thought after listening to it a couple of times.
