New MP3 Solos from Chris

Carline said:
I wish I played as good as Chris.

I wish too, but without hard and "religious" practice regime it's near impossible to achieve this level of technicality... I'm pretty sure Chris spilt a sea of blood and sweat practicing day in day out. ;)
Wish I had the will to practice on a daily basis... :erk:

Sometimes I'll try to play something (like Vinnie Moore's 'Meltdown') for pure enjoyment in the song itself, no matter how hard it is. I cannot play Moore anywhere near perfectly, but I still sensed the improvement in my fingers, as they immediately acted more accurately. I suppose that would be a benefit of a daily practicing regime as well, but I simply don't have the will to submit myself to (let's face it...) boring scales up and down the neck or whatever...

Chris, you've surely hit the wall many times, how did you overcome those crisis? Might work for me as well ;)
SickBoy said:
I wish too, but without hard and "religious" practice regime it's near impossible to achieve this level of technicality... I'm pretty sure Chris spilt a sea of blood and sweat practicing day in day out. ;)
Wish I had the will to practice on a daily basis... :erk:

Sometimes I'll try to play something (like Vinnie Moore's 'Meltdown') for pure enjoyment in the song itself, no matter how hard it is. I cannot play Moore anywhere near perfectly, but I still sensed the improvement in my fingers, as they immediately acted more accurately. I suppose that would be a benefit of a daily practicing regime as well, but I simply don't have the will to submit myself to (let's face it...) boring scales up and down the neck or whatever...

Chris, you've surely hit the wall many times, how did you overcome those crisis? Might work for me as well ;)
I still hit that wall!!! I would tell you that the wall is always there, it just moves. Sometimes you have to practice without an expectation because it does take time and if your always watching the clock it will seem like an eternity. There is no quick ansewer to this, but if you can find the challenge or enjoyment in even picking scales it will make it easier. For example when I am tremelo picking, I might not even care how it sounds but how well I can relax my arm (sounds exciting huh?).
I hope this helps, Chris.
Hmm... Wish I had the time to practice on my guitar.. My daugthter and the band I`m in(I`m the lead vocal) takes all my time... Tho I often as I can sit on the floor with my daughter playing guitar... Sha loves guitar, so I gave her one of my old guitars... And she`s pretty good just being 1 year old... Haha...