New Mudvayne

I might have the baddest attitude towards music around here, but although I am a total idiot, I'm not stupid. And for the record: Arch Enemy are mentally retarded wagonjumper-fuckwits whose biggest joy in life is to suck cock that was just pulled out of their own asses. Never heard Mudvayne.
hmmm, although i'm not sure if that special olympics picture was directed at me (yes, he DOES look like me, doesn't he?) i just want to say that I have not argued about anything on this thread, since i find it quite retarded to argue about stuff that is so subjective. Then again you cannot argue about facts... :rolleyes:
DotNoir said:
hmmm, although i'm not sure if that special olympics picture was directed at me (yes, he DOES look like me, doesn't he?) i just want to say that I have not argued about anything on this thread

No, I didn't direct it at you or anyone else in particular, I just wanted to make a statement.

I find it quite retarded to argue about stuff that is so subjective. Then again you cannot argue about facts... :rolleyes:

Ah, but your facts might be totally different from my facts. By that I mean that what you very firmly believe to be a flat fact might contradict what I hold absolutely true. So, in essence, what isn't subjective? Even objectivity is subjective, hence we come to the conclusion that there is no such a concept as objectivism, no?

mudvayne still sucks :)

and I like old arch enemy - Black Earth, Stigmata, Burning Bridges. Maybe because I'm a fan of carcass i don't know.

i could play anything mudvayne plays and almost anyone could, that's shits crap., any real metal junkie would fucking know.. that's cool though if you like them, whatever, it's just my job is to make fun of a corny little nu metal band that reakes of goatshit.
nevershine said:
Free speech everybody... free speech.

Downfall said:
Yep, if you want to say something is shit, you're welcome to do it here, and no one should get pissed off about it...

Seems that you guys totally missed my point again. Dotnoir explained it better than i did.

DeFy said:
mudvayne still sucks :)
This, i can deal with.

DeFy said:
why the fuck are you talking about mudvayne.. they fucking suck like slipknot, get that nu metal fucking garbage out of here..
This i can't. This post says, that you're not allowed to talk about nu-metal here. I don't mind if somebody calls something shite, but this post was screaming for an intervention.
DeFy said:
i could play anything mudvayne plays and almost anyone could, that's shits crap., any real metal junkie would fucking know..

Why does being able to play what a band plays make them suck? Do the Beatles suck too?

And just for the record, i'm not a huge Mudvayne fan either, but they're a trillion times better than anything that's regularly played on chart radio.
Gah, Mudvayne is one of those bands that have a special hidden spot in my cd collection.

LD50 was a good album, regardless of what anyone says, from there they went downhill and started losing their style to appeal to an even bigger audience.

...and dismissing a whole genre as shit is pretty stupid, while nearly all nu-metal bands are plain shit, there are a few that have/had some creativity and ideas in their music, Deftones and Mudvayne being the main ones.
fucking rap, making money rap, showing off rap, big cars rap, lotsa booty rap, and the list goes on... ;)
I personally don't like mudvayne but then again, I enjoy system of a down in small doses. I won't start saying bands like mudvayne or slipknot suck. It is cool though that various members in these bands appreciate and listen to real good metal bands as when they mention some of their favorite bands, a few kids might hear them and take a chance by buying some of those band's cds.