New Naglfar ...WOW!!!


Black Heart
Aug 21, 2001
Elmhurst, Ill. USA
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For anyone that hasn't heard it yet, the new Naglfar (Sheol) is absolutely amazing!! Never really got into these guys before, but this cd is definitely the best thing I've heard this year (yes, better than Opeth's D1 and D2).
Anyone else heard it yet?
It's the best thing this year if your idea of good is heading in the same direction as Dimmu Borgir. It sounds exactly like Spiritual Black Dimensions.
IanDork107 said:
It's the best thing this year if your idea of good is heading in the same direction as Dimmu Borgir. It sounds exactly like Spiritual Black Dimensions.

I must say that I greatly disagree here, there is a slight difference between swedish black/death and Dimmu Borgir's relatively mid paced Spiritual Black Dimensions. I think both album's are awesome but Naglfar's is better and doesn't sound anything like DB.

Naglfar is roughly twice as fast, has higher pitch melodies in the standard strumming sense, has much higher pitched vocals, and countless other differences. I know the vocals don't define the music but still they are very different. DB has around the order of 20 times the keyboards if not more, is much slower paced on average, has a lot of clean vocals, the guitars are much lower in pitch. Damn about the only similiarity I could see is that they have similiar drumming and that is it nothing more.
It's good but almost 5 years waiting a new cd of naglfar, i've heard Sheol and i don't feel any differences with diabolical, definitively i prefer the two first albums.
The new Naglfar is clearly better than Dimmu, more agressive but still melodic, but there's no denying that Naglfar have gone downhill and that they're headed in a similarly more commercial direction like Dimmu.
How the fuck can someone compare "sheol" with Dimmu Borgirs "spirutal.." !!!!!!!!!!!? Insane!

Sheol is a very good record and i would rather compare it to Dark Funeral/Dissection or something like that. But with a little bit of Naglfar touch.

Force of pandemonium and Black God Aftermath are my favourites!