New Odin's Court Music Video!

Me and my wife from a few years ago at The Local in Atlanta (with James and Kathy). You guys need to come to SC some time soon. We really enjoy your music. New album is going to be great! On order......

Hey! I remember this picture being taken! I know I had a blast despite getting WAY less sleep than I do at ProgPower. :lol: I also remember meeting you and your wife. We would love to play Atlanta again as well as SC. I know we want to get out a bit more in support of this disk so I would think that the possibility of this happening is pretty good!
Me and my wife from a few years ago at The Local in Atlanta (with James and Kathy). You guys need to come to SC some time soon. We really enjoy your music. New album is going to be great! On order...
Awesome! I remember you both. We would love to hit some of the southeast states some time soon. We need to work on setting something up. Hope you like the new CD!