New on here.

Hey Nikki. :)

I didn't know that you went by another name on here as well.

Yep, I am glad to be here, and also, sometimes the official MAIDEN board can get boring. As in, nothing to talk about.

Seriously, I could talk about MAIDEN or things related to MAIDEN all day long and never get tired of it.

I am one of those MAIDEN fanatics that would buy stupid pointless overpriced junk just b/c it had the 2 words Iron Maiden on it.

For example: Iron Maiden coasters, or an Iron Maiden coffee cup and I do not drink coffee.

That's what happens when a band has affected your life for 20 years straight, you kind-of get that way.
RuntoHills said:

I really am glad to be here. Nice and wonderful people here.

Agreed, and welcome aboard. There are tons of good people here, though you can't really have an open bulletin board without a stray asshole every once in a while, but they usually don't hang around too long. Although, I'm still here...hmmmm