New one for you guys...

BTW, guitars used were the BC Rich Warlock (certainly has a signature sound) with EMG 85 in the bridge. We used it for about 90% of the rhythms. Blackjack was used on fills, & the Dimebag was for leads. All guitars went into my 5150/Mesa cab.

Now about that snare....

It was a Pork Pie Big Black brass with a plain jane Remo ambassador head on top.

2 mics. Sm57 on top, Rode NTK on the bottom. API 512c preamps for both. Drums hit VERY hard. Even on blast beats. Blisters & band-aids were the order of the day. Every time the drummer made the mistake of complaining about his bleeding hands, I'd just yell, "Shut the fuck up, you fucking pussy! I thought you were a man! Hey guys, when did you hire a little girl to play the drums?" & whatnot. This guy was Quarterback for the University's football team, so I'm sure he can take the abuse. Jocks are so predictable. Question their manhood & they fall in line pretty quick.
By the end of day three of tracking drums, I almost felt sorry for him for about 5 seconds, then regained my sanity. If you're going to play this sort of thing, then play it. Don't make excuses.

Yeah, I might have been a little harsh, but I sure got a hell of a performance. The trick was slamming the bottom mic into the JB Ferox plugin, so it got nice & super crunchy, then adding a transient back in with Dominion. That & a short gate release. Sounded like shit soloed up, but when paired with the top mic, it's just fantastic.
