New one

lol, i love how you just automatically put a link to your samples in your first post! i'm actually using some tom samples in there for my bands project, so thanks for sharing them.

...but too bad your mix sucks, lern 2 mix noob! ¯\(°_o)/¯

edit: just wondering, what monitors/headphones do you mix your stuff on, and do you have much acoustic treatment where you mix? your mixes always seem to translate really well on different systems!
Me likes a lot! Nice and big mix. Kinda crushing (In a good way of course)!
Thank you for sharing drums samples. Gotta check them out.
Sounds fucking great even though I listen through some crappy desktop speakers!

What impulse have you used and is there any chance that you can share your "Klampritube 2" :)lol:) preset?
Thanks guys!

paladin shredder: haha ah well, I might just put them there from the beginning :)
Cool that you've found some use for them.
I actually don't own a pair of monitors, I do everything with my Koss Pro3aa Titanium headphones. I'd like to have a pair of monitors though, and a nice sub :)

worthingtoni: I used one of GuitarHack's impulses.. they all sound great in my opinion :) Here's the preset:

Though it might sound like shit with other pickups..