new opeth fan needs help-blackwater park? Damntation?

Edgecrusher said:
Just watched the 'Lamentations' dvd. Unbelievably awesome by the way.

On the interview/behind the scenes portion of the video, Mikael hinted that the next album will be their most extreme and possibly a concept album.

So you have THAT to look foward to......

On that DVD, Mikael actually said he was thinking about going in a BLACK METAL direction. Opeth have mastered their sound, and with each record they put out something new. I'd love to hear an Opeth quality record with heavy Black Metal influence.

Blackwater Park is my favorite Opeth record by the way. Deliverence probably 2nd.
BlessedAreTheSick said:
On that DVD, Mikael actually said he was thinking about going in a BLACK METAL direction. Opeth have mastered their sound, and with each record they put out something new. I'd love to hear an Opeth quality record with heavy Black Metal influence.
Yes this would have potential to be brilliant.
Yes, a Black Metal album would be great, as long as they stuck along the lines of something like Dissection, or Dark Funeral, and didn't go to the tr00 kvlt simple black metal. That just wouldn't suit them at all.
I thought the thread starter had left this board forever. I hope this is a April Fools joke, as I wouldnt give this punk the time of day people.

Do not reply to this fuck's threads people!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
AllWithinMyMonster said:
Lol.. takingthemusicback.. Where have you been bro? I totally miss you posting on this forum! Life's been good eh? Yea over the course of the year I've been totally converted into an opethian. As for me losing my sense of humor. Sorry it's been an off week. See ya around, and don't be a stranger!
You haven't just become an Opethian, you've had a total personality transplant! Are you posting friendly stuff, then secretly hacking our fuckin bank accounts or something? :err:
Seriously, now that you love Opeth, with their classic back catalogue, how d'you feel about Metallica, and especially St Anger? Any change in opinion? What other bands have you discovered apart from Opeth?
I don't post much here any more because it got boring - no one has great flame wars any more and it's all the same posts: people saying they like something, elitists saying it's shite etc. Boring. I only post the odd thing here now, either if a post catches my attention, or if I want to annoy someone taking themselves too seriously. Lot of pretentious dicks around here! :grin:
Yea I still dig st anger bro. But now I don't let other people who shit on it get to me. Just watched them live like 4 weeks ago. Had a blast. What bands have I discovered just recently as in this month? Let's see... Casket Garden, Edge of Sanity , and Kataklysm are all recent additions to my metal loving lifestyle. The new hypocrisy, new in flames, evergrey- recreation day, and exodus tempo of the damned are all cd's i'm waiting for in the mail. Hopefully my friday will be filled with grandeur tonight when I check my mail. And yes there's alot of pretension dicks here. I'm trying to be social and a friendly soul on here. But I still get bashed. AAHAHAH Ahwell I'm not losing sleep at night bro. Have a good weekend!
I don't know what to say AWMM...You're being nice and having good discussions but...fuck, it's just not entertaining any more! Ah well, I'll go read Profanity's posts.
Cheers mate! :)