New Opeth song from upcoming album

I've listened to Pale Communion a number of times now and have to say it's a pretty damn good record.

It's more focused on the melodies and the song-writing is so much better than Heritage; there is a flow within the songs and from song to song as well. It also has some fantastic solos too; some of the best I've heard for sometime from them.

I think it's basically what Heritage should have been. Opeth are fully divorced from death metal now (and no more growls), but as a 70's prog inspired heavy rock album Pale Communion is excellent.

For the discerning metalhead hoping for another Blackwater Park or Still Life, don't bother.
Listening to it now, and it bores me as hell. I really liked the two songs that leaked, and they are the two first songs opening the album. Weird. The rest is fucking boring. Goblin was a nice instrumental piece, River was ultra boring, Moon Above, Sun Below had it moments. Elysian Woes had nothing really disturbing and nothing innovating. Voice of Treason is decent, but the song after 5 minute till the end is really nice. There is even a double bass fill. Now the last song, Faith in Others. It's flawless, although the beginning is a bit boring. The vocal patterns of Akerfeldt are really interesting. Definitely a highlight of the album, along with two opening songs.

It's definitely better than Heritage, but I expected something more. The one thing that bothers me is that Opeth is fond of playing on festivals. How the hell can they appear on metal festival in support of this album? Cusp of Eternity may sound nice, but the rest? I'd probably quit the gig when they'd start playing River or Elysian Woes.

Generally, a tough one for Morningrise-era worshippers.