New Orchestral Metal Tune


Den Mørke Natt
Oct 22, 2008
Sacramento, CA
Its been awhile since I have even written anything, one day while messing with some other band's tunes I made a littel discovery that lead to me and my bassist writing out asses off while under the influence of much Jager, some scratch tracks and a few bowls later I have one of my greatest tunes.

This is just a teaster, scratch tracks at best, for being scratch tracks they sound better than anything I have done yet, absolutely not mixed or mastered, just roughly thrown together.

rate the songwriting, don't care too much about the tone, like I said just scratch tracks at the moment.

BTW its just a teaser, I can't wait until its finished to get it out, its so awesome, the full version shall be out soon.
Loved it, I'm a big fan of symphonic metal. Do you do your own midi programming for the symphonic stuff? I'll have to do some programming soon and I'm not very good at it, so if you have some advice, I'll be glad to read it :p

PS: Have you checked out Hollenthon?
key concept for programing, patients, be prepared to spend an 8+ hour day for one song if your doing heavy synths, so pace yourself. Bas instrtuments first and move up in pitch. Watch for dynamics if your getting carried away, synths that are loud all the time ruin the flow of a song. Be sure to really dial in the sounds, and be sure to have the right amounth of release and decay, not cool to have notes cut off faster than they naturally would.

Thats the basic stuff. The rest is songwritting, arrangments/composition and theory, which is a pretty big and subjective topic.
wow the orchestra sounds amazing for a rough mix! i cant wait to hear this well mixed.! do you programing the orchestra in diferent sections? and how do you pan all the sections? i really interest in this.! keep the good work men!

sorry the bad english if there are some mistakes :lol:
I program each individual instrument, note for note, some may think that I am a complete crackhead or have no life to spend as much time composing for each instrument but it sounds extremely cool to have every group playing differenet parts, more so it sounds more real that way.

With most higher priced symphony synths, they are already panned to the baroque orchestra arrangment, so I don't have to pan anything

Just because a lot is lost in the mix, I am uploading the orchestra only section right now so you can hear all whats going on
i just listen to the cilp of the orchestra only...sounds so fucking great..i cant imagine all the work to compose note by note on all the instrument of the orchestra!. keep the good work, and thanks for the tips.
This a seriously great sounding mix to my ears!! Great composition and song as well! Are you using the voxengo plugs on here as well (the amazing thread you posted)??

not yet. That process ususally takes some time becuase my computer likes to randomly crash when I try to mixdown songs that have heavy amounts of plugins, so I haven;t bothered yet.
The MOTU sounds good and the orchestration complimented the song nicely. Honestly, it would sound good as some background exploring music to an RPG or what not. I think individual note entry and editing at times can offer a more broad pallet than just playing everything from the keyboard. Mainly since a lot of stuff I hear done with sample libraries sound like they mainly concentrated on violins or brass and forgot about woodwinds or the violas and what not and the orchestration sounds very sparse.
Good work.:headbang: