unmixed Orchestral Metal tune


Den Mørke Natt
Oct 22, 2008
Sacramento, CA
This is the finished product of a sampler I put out a few weeks back. I have not had time to mix it becuase my computer was crashing when I was trying to run music, and then my PSU went out so until I get that replaced, I am stuck with a laptop with no access to my music or programs

But let me know what you think, the instruments are not mixed, eq, no processing has been done, everything is raw, so a lot of the volumes are off, some fuck ups as well that i went to go and fix before my program crashes changed my plan.

no, dual tracked, two separate guitar lines, rhythm and overdub leads, during the non lead parts I copied the rhythm takes and pasted them to the lead tracks just to maintain the guitar bus RMS
Great song! I really like the arrangement. Is that all MSI ? It's been a long time since I used that instrument but I love it. It's so underrated and fits perfectly into a rock mix.

Hook us up with some more music.
Sound click "play hi-fi" is not working for me, could you post a direct download link ?
Great song! I really like the arrangement. Is that all MSI ? It's been a long time since I used that instrument but I love it. It's so underrated and fits perfectly into a rock mix.

Hook us up with some more music.

yup all MSI, and while the spaciousness and realism of the orchestra isn't as great as I would like it to be, for the price, you cannot beat it.

I usually always post the orchestra only for every song I post so here it is

Orchestra only:


Sound click "play hi-fi" is not working for me, could you post a direct download link ?

sorry, as I have said my main computer with all my files are down so I have no access to getting a direct link. Only option is to download it from soundclick.
wow i really love this. The recording is great, and the music itself is really sorrowful and good =D Lets get a link for some more tunes!

and i think you spelled "devistation" wrong. I think its Devastation. I could be wrong =D

What are you using as far as guitars, drums and bass? And there is no post processing on this?

And what did you use for orchestra? its sounds epic! ( i hate how that word is overused, its lost all meaning and definition)
wow i really love this. The recording is great, and the music itself is really sorrowful and good =D Lets get a link for some more tunes!

and i think you spelled "devistation" wrong. I think its Devastation. I could be wrong =D

What are you using as far as guitars, drums and bass? And there is no post processing on this?

And what did you use for orchestra? its sounds epic! ( i hate how that word is overused, its lost all meaning and definition)

When we first changed the band name, our drummer posted a list on craigslist spelling it devistation, which pissed me off becuase bad spelling is a bit of a pet peeve. Now I feel like an asshole and a hypocrit for the spelling fuck up, will change after this post.

Guitars are my mic'd up 5150 on my G-Flex cab, bass is my Ibanez sound gear into my guitar amp (found it sounds sicker to run it through the 5150 than using a bass sim on revlaver, just have to make sure I don't murder my cab) and drums is Addictive samples an addition Fruity loop sample cymbal blended with an AD cymbal and pitch shifter some other FL Samples (just the splash and ride) and chimira toms. Orchestras are MOTU Symphonic Instrument.

No processing except some minor trimming eq on the drums some quick level matching so taht everything sounds somewhat blended. Right now I think the mix sound like dog shit compared to what it could sound after it is mixed, but right now my recording compuer whent to shit so until I get it fixed no mixing for me

To me the definition of epic is a mix that has a lot of air and openess to it without having the obvious sound of reverb, basically the oposite of dead ot focused. To me I think the word is overused for someone who really likes a song, and there like "dude ZOMFG that shit is so epic" and using it as that song is really awesome, which is not what epic in the context of music means. Trying to be humble I would consider my tracks epic, only because I let the room mics in the drums come out and the orchestras have a lot of air to them, which makes the whole mix sound liek it has air and as a result sounds huge, something most of the mixes posted here that are said to be epic don't have.

more tracks at



You have a good start point at least for the guitars! they have a midrange very good. The mids are essencial in this kind of mixes for guitars. But the drums may need more work than other instruments.
oh I spend most of the time working on the drums when I am mixing, they are really the make or break along with the guitars, they sound so much larger when I am done. To me the whole mix is totally missing low end, its not very big, but then again its a 100% raw unmixed track, unmixed, unmastered.