new Paradise Lost


Dec 8, 2005
The comparisons they're making of their most recent albums with Draconian Times strike me as a bit odd. I absolutely loved their first two albums, but from Shades of God to DT they bored me to hell. Can't complain much about their Depeche Mode worshipping era, but I think that from Symbol of Life onwards they've released their best stuff so far. Their new album is simply great, and I think it might become my favorite one from them. Still Depeche Modeish (or does it has more of Sisters of Mercy?), but mixed with some really good and heavy riffs.

What do you guys think about it?
Paradise Lost = third-grade Laibach meets the Spice Girls in their pop era.

I don't like many of their songs (can't stand an entire album), they're so cheesy. Kind of a fetish, like Manowar or newer In Flames. I won't check this new one out, no matter what mood I'm in -
Jeez, you couldn't stop quoting, not even this time, could you?

Anyway, I totally expected that from a Rammstein fan. I'm sorry, but your opinions are still invalid.
Leave him alone, Kurt, the kid thinks he has to get back at you for your terrible horrible posts about Rammstein. ;)

QRV said:
Jeez, you couldn't stop quoting, not even this time, could you?
"Most people are other people. Their thoughts are someone else's opinions, their lives a mimicry, their passions a quotation." < That describes a certain UM-member with a hockey player's surname as his user-name.
Paradise Lost are one of my all-time favorite bands. There is no album of theirs I don't like, although I feel they went through some sort of crisis right after Host, and they only found inspiration again at the time their self-titled album was put together (2005). What seals the deal for me is the atmosphere in the songs, and I don't mind their baroque tastes when it comes to lyrics or certain backing vocals.

QRV, if you like In Requiem you're probably going to like Paradise Lost as well: IR is heavier and darker, but the mid-tempoed stuff is in the same vein. I'm a fan of the Icon and Draconian Times era as well, but in all honesty the comparison is probably there just because old bands who used to sell more ten years ago constantly try to resurrect their past glory by claiming they "went back to the old sound". I never pay any mind to such comments anymore.

That's the point where grown-ups say things like "Even if you don't like this kind of metal you ought to give it a try!", but I'm not going to bother. The number of comments who are only there to shoot down a perfectly legitimate thread with perfectly legitimate tastes are escalating, and I feel every attempt to behave like reasonable people who give a shit about what the others have to say is going to fail miserably. All the idiotic one-liners as first replies to new threads are turning this place into a haven for third-graders.
Be it because you're perfecting that endearing Internet Tough Guy persona (surely a novelty on the Web!) or because you can only speak in backward quotes whenever Jupiter is in the house of Taurus, these petty conflicts are making it hard to have a conversation unless everyone agrees on the damn topic.
I'm in the process of revising the rules and I didn't want to interfere until the update was complete, but now I'm contemplating starting to delete all this shit. It's been said a million times before that your right to criticize is sacred. The bitching and trolling, on the other hand, we can do without.
QRV, if you like In Requiem you're probably going to like Paradise Lost as well: IR is heavier and darker, but the mid-tempoed stuff is in the same vein. I'm a fan of the Icon and Draconian Times era as well, but in all honesty the comparison is probably there just because old bands who used to sell more ten years ago constantly try to resurrect their past glory by claiming they "went back to the old sound". I never pay any mind to such comments anymore.

I sure like the s/t, but I actually thought it was a tad behind Symbol of Life. However, I confess I haven't given it many listens. It might grow up on me later.

One problem I've had with Paradise Lost since One Second is that perhaps they started putting a bit too much emphasis on being catchy. Which is not a bad thing per se, but it seemed to me the music became more superficial than it got any right to be. Easy to get in, easy to get out. Nice enough, but not too memorable nor captivating. I think they started to get over that since Symbol of Life, and now they've pretty much suceeded on that matter. So I'm quite glad about it.

On the troll thing, i guess we should be glad this forum has got less of it than 90&#37; of the forums out there. However, no forum is complete without a bit of trolling and, hell, it might even be a healthy thing as long as it is kept within certain limits. I like to put up some shit with La Rocque from time to time because, well, he's a freaking lackwit that comes up with some of the most ludicrous comments and insults... and he never strikes back in a single thread. So there, as far as I know he doesn't troll enough to fuck up a thread.

But come on rahvin, this crap is not to be taken seriously. As long as it doesn't become a plague, anyway. And it hasn't. I'll contain myself a bit more, though.
But come on rahvin, this crap is not to be taken seriously. As long as it doesn't become a plague, anyway. And it hasn't. I'll contain myself a bit more, though.

Well, I'm not taking it seriously as in: calling my girlfriend and crying to her on the phone about the mean, mean people on the DT board, no. :p But I think it's spreading a bit too much, of late. You hardly see a thread about a topic other than DT without automatic "Shut up" replies. While some are aware that they can safely be ignored, others might decide not to post their own threads for fear of not getting away with it. I'm glad that only the strong survive, but there's really no need to show your muscles every single time.
And I don't want to target somebody specifically: I'll remove posts very even-handedly should the need arise. I still hope it doesn't.

Oh wait...

In all seriousness, though, I have noticed a bit of an escalation of sorts as well. Perhaps it's just scary to me to tab between here and the WoW forums and not see as much a difference in attitude. But I think the people involved know who they are, and I think they know to cut the shit out.

On the topic of Paradise Lost, there was a time when I liked all of their music. Nowadays, though, I must be getting soft in my old age. If I ever listen to them, it's the newer stuff, and I'm listening to entirely too much Katatonia to be healthy. From what I can remember from the days when I first discovered, PL, I still tended towards the newer albums, especially Symbol of Life. I'll have to see how I react to the new one, it seems.

It's funny how you both remember Symbol of Life as a highlight of sorts. If I were to rate their records, and if I were to leave Lost Paradise out because - frankly - it sounds like a different band, I would say Symbol of Life is only superior to Believe in Nothing, and that's mainly thanks to the two cover tracks at the end. From the original songs I'd save only "Erase", "Perfect Mask" and "No Celebration", and that's saying a lot since I consider myself a pretty big fan of the band. At the time it seemed to me like a strained effort to run back to some safe "metal" zone after a brief sortie into uncharted waters, in hope not to lose many more fans. In retrospect, I just find it uninspired but probably sincere. Further releases persuaded me that Paradise Lost research their songs and sound quite thoroughly and make an honest attempt at releasing albums full of new music.
I absolutely loved their first two albums, but from Shades of God to DT they bored me to hell.t?

Heh, it's funny how much our tastes differ. Shades of God, Icon and Draconian Times are their best albums for me. One Second is still good, the first two are okay, Host and Believe in Nothing are utter carbage in my opinion and I decided not to bother with the band ever again after two such horrible albums.

Now, if this newest one is truly close to Draconian Times, I might reconsider my position, but I'm very sceptic at the moment.

Heh, it's funny how much our tastes differ. Shades of God, Icon and Draconian Times are their best albums for me. One Second is still good, the first two are okay, Host and Believe in Nothing are utter carbage in my opinion and I decided not to bother with the band ever again after two such horrible albums.

Now, if this newest one is truly close to Draconian Times, I might reconsider my position, but I'm very sceptic at the moment.


Great disc to me, but I have to say that I loved all their Depeche Mode like stuff..:lol: the ones I've never listened to very well are Symbol Of Life and Paradise Lost
Heh, it's funny how much our tastes differ. Shades of God, Icon and Draconian Times are their best albums for me. One Second is still good, the first two are okay, Host and Believe in Nothing are utter carbage in my opinion and I decided not to bother with the band ever again after two such horrible albums.

Now, if this newest one is truly close to Draconian Times, I might reconsider my position, but I'm very sceptic at the moment.


I know, when it comes to Paradise Lost it's always hard to come to an agreement. They've got very diverse phases and each seems to appeal to very different people.

I agree with ravhin, their new stuff is not like 'Draconian Times', although everyone presents it as a mix between their Shades of God-Icon-Draconian Times era and their Depeche Mode worshipping era. In a way, the ones who say that got a point, but it's not quite so. You should try it anyway, might be you like it. Most people who liked 'Draconian Times' appear to like the new one.
Hmm, I havent checked out the new one yet, but it seems I will in no time. I loved this band, but recently its turned to some sort of affair. Its similar to what rahvin said, I like all their albums (even Believe in Nothing is worth it because of Mouth), but the real thing were the first four albums for me.
Paradise Lost = third-grade Laibach meets the Spice Girls in their pop era.

Says the "it" that likes Rammcrap. What the fuck you know about music?

As for the new Paradise Lost, yes, it is very comparable to Draconian Times,
the first song reminded me so much of it that I had to rip it (DT) to make sure.
Well, here's one who also rates Symbol of Life ahead of s/t. Not a lot, but enough. Pray Nightfall is actually only weak track on Symbol...

About In Requiem, it's fantastic. Too bad that they didn't leave two or three weaker tracks out, because then it would have been certain classic.