New PC day(decent for recording?)


Sep 21, 2005
New York
ok so its not a Mac but here are it's specs....just curious if this is powerful enough for recording purposes? I will be running Protools and Steinberg Wavelab for plugins once they make it compatible for Vista OS.

Toshiba Satellite A135
Processor -Intel Dual Core TM(2)
1.60 GHz
Ram -1014 MB
Vista 32 bit OS
Well, Vista is a pretty bad choice for an audio machine but w/e no biggie. You could have some trouble running a lot of tracks with that CPU, I know its dual-core but thats a pretty low clockspeed (most daw's require at least a 2.0ghz). Honestly it depends mostly on what plug-ins you will be using and what sample rate and bit rate you will be recording at, a computer can handle way more 48 khz 24 bit wav files than it can 96 khz 24 bit wave files. Give it a try and if it's running slow max out the RAM and you should be ok, but you probably would want to do that anyway...
Thanks for the feedback...yeah I won't be able to try it out until May...that's when Protools will be available for Vista. I've had good luck using Neundo or Wavelab for plugins on XP, plus I couldn't beat the price $799 USD ..15 in widescreen....:rock: