New Periphery Double Album

I just.... I can't get into it. The riffs are cool, they're all monster musicians, but after about a minute, to a minute-and-a-half, I'm just bored. I'm not saying every song needs to have the same exact structure, but I'd love to hear this band hit an actual monstrous, driving, kick-ass sing-along chorus once in a while, because I know they're capable...And I think if they did it, it would fucking slay so much of what's out there right now. As it is...Everything up to this point has bored me, and that sucks, cause I really want to dig this band.
Production is obviously godly, but their vocalist has one of the most off-putting voices I've heard in modern metal, which is a real shame. Concept albums and double albums are also usually signs of bands jumping the shark (lol btbam) and this is both. They're incredibly talented musicians though.
It's as generic as numetal got a few years in imho. Completely uninspired, calculated and lacking any soul. Pure shit.
I actually like it a lot, in every aspect.

I just.... I can't get into it. The riffs are cool, they're all monster musicians, but after about a minute, to a minute-and-a-half, I'm just bored. I'm not saying every song needs to have the same exact structure, but I'd love to hear this band hit an actual monstrous, driving, kick-ass sing-along chorus once in a while, because I know they're capable...And I think if they did it, it would fucking slay so much of what's out there right now. As it is...Everything up to this point has bored me, and that sucks, cause I really want to dig this band.

This. I really want to like them, because they're talented as fuck, but their songs bore me to death.

but their vocalist has one of the most off-putting voices I've heard in modern metal

And this.
I do not like what I've heard but I am trying to refrain from judgement until I've heard it all. Will prolly not preorder though. :/

Edit: I dunno the second song is growing on me a bit, I do like the solo a lot.
They mentioned that the Scourge was sort of a different experimental track, which makes me wonder why they choose it as the first single, but The Bad Thing is just killer. I'm just waiting for the rest of the tracks to drop; It's going to be an eclectic record and trying to make up my mind on a double album based on two songs seems premature.

Also, Nolly's mix is ridiculous, but I don't have say that.
The songs felt a bit boring and I agree about the comment that I would like to like this more then I do haha.

Production sounds great ofc, but as usual not my cup of tea haha! Sounds like midi drums to me and
Doesn't his vocals feel a bit off? And it sounds like the snare makes the mix pump a bit? well well...

Congratulations to Ermin anyways!
I like diverse music but I fail to see how this is anything else than generic. I mean, fair enough, they participated in the creation of the subgenre, but I have not felt anything new nor interesting from these songs. And yes, same for me, I personally can't stand these vocals. I like clean vocals, but not teenager sounding vocals like this.
This sounds better than average to me, and stellar compared to alot of what being passed off as metal nowadays. Im not mad at it, but Im not rushing out to buy it.
Im with Jordan on just really wanting to hear these guys write some huge hooks though. Dillinger Escape Plan has been doing it the last couple of records and it really helps me appreciate all the insanity and artsy shit that surrounds it. Elements of this are catchy but they never bring it back again. I really think they could benefit from an old school producer type character, someone to not interfere with the details and just tell them to lose the third breakdown and play the friggin chorus again lol
The 2nd half of The Bad Thing is lovely. What separates Periphery from the djent bands that willfully (hilariously) identify as djent .... is that they have a wonderful sense of melody. Sometime in an almost melancholic metalcore (Misery Signals) sort of way or even a kinda techy Fall of Troy way (especially Marks writing), Misha always crafts really cool weird sounding melodies and harmony too, and that's more present in The Scourge. The groovy rhythm stuff doesn't really affect me anymore but considering the production on this is absolutely fucking amazing it gives it some life haha. Load up Icarus Lives next to The Bad Thing, the new mix destroys the old haha.

^^ I don't think the snare is at all over the top, it fits the production. Slow songs, lots of space, so it calls for a CLA smack mixed with a near Sturgis level of huge body and room sound haha.
Simple question : will it be possible to access these songs in instrumental versions like some old periphery ? I can sometimes enjoy some of those, but this singer, I can't. His melodic singing distracts me which is too bad because he obviously is a very good singer, subjectivity put aside. I quite liked the second half of The Scourge, after a 2nd listening. An instrumental version with just the ambience vocals would be killer.

Production is cool, I don't like this heavy snare or kick, it doesn't feel like there is a real drummer playing but I still like it better than previous albums.

It might grow bigger on me, while the previous albums didn't do anything to me. EDIT : so I'm basically removing my previous "I didn't feel anything new in these songs" statement. I'll give them a chance with this double album I think.

Good job Ermin in any case ! Because the bass heaviness compared to the previous thinness makes it way more enjoyable to me and I know you have had a part in that. :)