Awesome music man, thanks for the link to the samples. I've been waiting for this album for too long! Universe and Moonbabies are landmark prog albums. Can't wait for the whole album!
I think it was just because he had heaps of other solo stuff and different projects he wanted to be involved in. I don't think there's any bad blood between them, he and Virgil Donati have been involved in countless projects together since then. Virgil, Tony and Billy Sheehan is the band Tony is working with atm. :rock:
Yeah Tony had to give Planet X a miss this time around because Derek had a specific time frame that he wanted the album to be done in because fans had already been waiting long enough. During this time Tony was out on tour with Steve Vai (and they put on a spectacular tour - I went to one of the shows), and now he's busy working with Billy and Virgil on a new collaboration project. This has opened up new oppertunities for Steve Vai who is going on another tour in the near future with a new band. I think he should get Mike Mangini back on drums and maybe Mike Keneally taking Tony's place. He's also said he would like a violin shredder in the band, so that could turn out to be very interesting!
Violin shredders are awesome!!! :rock:

Can't wait to hear the new Devil's Slingshot project (that's what Tony, Billy and Virgil are calling themselves...) Also Vai's new project sounds very interesting... It's gonna be a great year in tech/prog/shred metal, so many new albums being released...