New Power Metal mix

So what you are talking about is not to get a "scooped" guitar sound, rather to lower a bit the apparently to strong mids?

well and do you think the same about the guitars?
anything else?
Well, it´s truth that the life and most of the power it´s in the mids. But a guitar with a lot of mids can suck the space from the other instruments. But every mix is a different mix, sometimes you have to boost some mids, usually high mids than low mids. But you dont have always to scoop the guitar to fit the mix.

I agree with paladin shredder, maybe a little cut between 500hz in the guitars could sound better and also the question of reverb/delay in snare/vox.
Seconding the suggestion for reverb/delay on vox and snare, those elements sound very dry right now. The cymbals are pretty quiet, and I'd bring up the lows in the bass too.The rhythm guitars have a really digital sound to them, especially when there's palm muting, but it's not a major issue especially for this genre.
I'm listening on my iphone:) i think guitars could have more space. I really dig this song,congratulations to this masterpiece!
I'm listening on my iphone:) i think guitars could have more space. I really dig this song,congratulations to this masterpiece!

You'll have to congratulate the band. I'm Editing and Mixing their Debut Album, the band is called Aevum.

I noticed my main problem was the guitar tone, wish indeed was way to mid heavy and in general not that appropriate. I'm working on it from scratch.

And for the guitar solos I'm not able to do this as they won't be able to re track anything because of time.
Quite enjoying the style here. Vocals sound quite strong IMO. I'm assuming the band is from somewhere in Europe, since the singer has an accent which pulls him flat in a few places.
As well as adding more verb/ delay to the vocals and snare I think the snare could come down a little bit. The guitars could also come down a dB or two with bass up a dB or two.
If it's not too late, the intro could use a revision. The song is quite good appart from that. Reminds me of Labrynth.
I'm assuming the band is from somewhere in Europe, since the singer has an accent which pulls him flat in a few places.

He does indeed have an accent but it isn't European, this band is Peruvian. And for the intro well I guess it's a matter of taste, this song was actually made years ago by former band members and is actually the only "real" power metal song in the album. The new songs are more "dense" and less catchy.

Well, I've uploaded a new version, in which I changed quite a lot, redid completely the guitar sound (i like the palm mutes way better now, but it could be a tad to scooped), added a reverb to the snare and lowered the drum bus just a little. Added more reverb to the vocals too. You will notice this version doesn't have any solos as I'm working on the rhythm guitar sound first.
This version is also a bit quieter as I did not put any Limiter in the master chain, hope it's not clipping. And it does not have any automation, the other one had. (it is amazing how changing the guitar sound in order to leaf room for the vocals makes it easier to get the vocals in the mix without automation.)

I think I'm noticing a lack of high end to the overall mix (it's to "dark" sounding) do you think that too? or maybe it is just the guitar or the vocals or something in specific which isn't that "bright".

Here it is: menace guitar new sin Elephant.mp3

Thanks in advance
Cool stuff, good singer, nice ideas..maybe on the verge being overproduced, but that´s what I´d call the "blind guardian disease" . For example at the first strophe, you could kill the piano arps and bring it later. But under the line, good job, Sir.
the new mix sounds much more powerful! drums are great. i would bring the all the keys up a bit, since thats a pretty important part of power metal, other than that sounds excellent.

you may want to find some guitar tone in between this one and your last one, but now I'm being really picky. this tone and your last one sound sound great.