New PPUSA Prediction Thread


Skeletor Goes to Mars
Jan 30, 2005
This has nothing to do with headliners :)

This thread is to predict what Biffle will get pissed off about this year.


I seriously laughed about this for like 5 minutes!!!!!!!!!!

GREATEST POST EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

PP VI: that I couldnt party because my fucking hotel was so fucking far away

PP VII: that motherfucking bartender, I am gonna kill that guy one of these days

PP VIII: ???????? This might have been Jon Oliva not playing the songs I requested, or that I got lost or my constant talk of how much kansas sucks, or VP not playing. Not a hundred percent on that one.

EDIT I totally know what I was pissed about. It is kind of an inside joke for those that were present, but it involved a phone call I got from Milton on Thursday morning about what I did before I came back to the Super 8 on Wednesday. It was a really good joke they played on me and they had me believing it for a while too.

PP IX: well if IE doesnt get announced, I will constantly rant on and on about how perfect it would have been for them to play PP.