New Prog song, As Winter Lays its Seige, Vocals wanted


Feb 6, 2008
Ok, this is my first proper full song since the summer and only my 3rd full-length song. Any feedback would be welcome about the mix. Drums are primarily DFH but I've also thrown in Andy's Snare for some added body and also used Andy's Chimera Toms. All the heavy stuff and leads were the ENGL and a mix of Schecter Hellraiser and my Greco LP (with BKP Nailbomb). The rhythm section is Fredman micing technique quad-tracked, which needs a lot of refinement. I'm debating whether to switch back to a single SM57 for my next recording and hone my skills that way first. The Fredman technique tended to smooth out the tone a bit too much for me. My reference track was Insomnium's 'Last Statement' from Above the Weeping World.

I have also given it a quick mastering buff up, comprising GClip, Tube Saturation plug, subtle EQing, and finally Master Comp- using setting from the Faderwear guide.

I'd love someone to do some vocals on this, open to any style really apart from power metal style. So anything from Insomnium low growls to Agalloch to Paradise Lost type vocals. I already have the lyrics written, so if anyone deems this worthy then just PM me on here. I am an English student so I would hope that the lyrics aren't too crappy!


EDIT: It seems stupidly loud on the Soundclick page so beware, but maybe its just my computer!
Hmm, no comments? I can't believe there's nothing wrong with it! Maybe the style isn't that interesting for the majority of peeps on here?
The rhythm guitars are kinda unintelligable, although i think i can kinda tell the chord progression. I would take the gain back a bit. Also the intro lead doesn't seem fully realized. Is there bass in there? i think i hear it, but it's really low. I would bring that up, or empahsize the low end a bit more. I hear it in the clean part, but it's very low.

Musically i like what you've got already.
The rhythm guitars are kinda unintelligable, although i think i can kinda tell the chord progression. I would take the gain back a bit. Also the intro lead doesn't seem fully realized. Is there bass in there? i think i hear it, but it's really low. I would bring that up, or empahsize the low end a bit more. I hear it in the clean part, but it's very low.

Musically i like what you've got already.

Thanks for the comments man. I think its partly because of the quad-tracked Fredman approach, I wanted more of a wall of sound for the rhythm tracks. I might just go single SM57 quad-tracked on my next recording and see how that fares. The Gain levels were pretty low actually. I spent a lot more time on this track on the mixing and recording aspect so I don't think I had really spent enough time fully realising the melodies etc. Hopefully it should sound more complete with the vocals. The Bass sounded a bit ropey, as it was my first time playing a Bass and mixing one, hence why I don't want to foreground it too much.

Here is a link to the lyrics for anyone thats interested:|2rtf