New ProgPower USA site now online!

Great looking site. WOOOOHOOOOOOOO sponsor for VOLBEAT.

I'd have won some money on that, but unsurprisingly, there were no takers. :lol:

Woohoo! Co-Sponsor for Astral Doors! :rock: These guys are gonna tear up Center Stage.

Too bad I won't be able to make it to the show this year. :waah:

Wow, the James E. Raggi style of sponsorship: sponsor a band, and then don't show up. THAT's kvlt. :)

Sorry you might not be able to make it. <-- note the non-final phrasing
Looks great! Just curious...will there be sponsors for Pathosray or Serenity? I picked up CDs from both bands after the roster announcement, and both are kicking my butt! :rock:
Well it's late to launch and Glenn has permanently caused my ears to have bleeding scars from the inside out, but the new site is now online!

I hope you enjoy it, and there will be more to come as time goes on.

Comments and feedback are welcome, as well as any bug reports or suggestions on things you would like to see. - enjoy!

Glad to see this up and running Deron!

The text for the band bios doesn't seem to fit in its frame nicely - I get a horizontal scroll bar and I have to scroll left and right to read each sentence as the last 2 or 3 letters of each sentence gets cut off on the right side. Just using IE 7 and 1024X768; nothing special.
Site looks great though.