New Queensryche song posted online


Feb 11, 2002
Murrieta, CA
And it's actually pretty good!

QUEENSRŸCHE: New Song Posted Online! - Jan. 21, 2006 A brand new QUEENSRŸCHE track, entitled "The Hands", has been posted online at Metal Express Radio (Windows Media). The song comes off the group's sequel to their platinum 1988 concept album, "Operation: Mindcrime", due in North America on April 4 via Rhino Entertainment. The CD mixing and mastering was completed earlier in the month and the track listing has been reworked a bit, with two new tracks having been added. "Freiheit Ouvertüre" is the infamous "intro" all the fans have been chattering about, while "Convict" is a new song that was newly added after the original track listing was announced.

"Operation: Mindcrime II" (view cover art at this location) final track listing:

01. Freiheit Ouvertüre
02. Convict
03. I'm American
04. One foot in Hell
05. Hostage
06. The Hands
07. Speed of Light
08. Signs Say Go
09. Re-arrange You
10. The Chase
11. Murderer?
12. Circles
13. If I Could Change it All
14. An Intentional Confrontation
15. A Junkie's Blues
16. Fear City Slide
17. All the Promises

As previously reported, QUEENSRŸCHE's new single, "I'm American", will be available to radio stations for digital download on February 21. The record will go for adds in March.

Legendary heavy metal vocalist Ronnie James Dio (BLACK SABBATH, DIO, RAINBOW) makes a guest appearance on the album as "Dr. X".

QUEENSRŸCHE drummer Scott Rockenfield and guitarist Michael Wilton recorded their parts for "Operation: Mindcrime II" in August at Synergy Studios in Redmond, WA. Michael Stone cut guitars in a studio in a "secret location" in the Bay Area.

(Thanks: Metal Express Radio)
I like it too!!! Geoff sounds better than he has in ages!! And wait, is that, is that dual lead guitars!!!! Whoa!

Bear :loco:
I've listened to it three times, and I still don't think it's very good. It's the best of the three so far, but I still wouldn't consider this a very good tune compared to Queensryche's best material. I'd call this tune mediocre.

I also don't think Geoff sounds very good on that track. He sounds no better than he's sounded on the last couple discs. He's lost a ton over the years.

I see they have chose "I'm American" for their first single ..... well it will probably be their only single. It's not a very good song at all.

I'm a try before I buy all the way on this one.

It's not bad, has a decent edge to it, but Tate's vocals don't really compel me in this one all that much. Not a terrible song, but not on par with any track from the original Mindcrime either.
I think its a pretty good song... The twin lead guitar solo is really good.

BTW? Isn't that "Another Rainy Night" at the beginning???
Torn2Shreds said:
I think its a pretty good song... The twin lead guitar solo is really good.

BTW? Isn't that "Another Rainy Night" at the beginning???

Nope its a take off of EDIT: I meant Breaking the Silence

Does absoluteley nothing for me. I won't write off the release yet, but I'm with Britt, I'll definately give an evaluation version a listen before I drop any coin on the cd...

I'm impressed. My expectations were so low going in that that was MUCH better than I feared. Maybe there's hope after all. I'll still have to hear it before I buy it though.

That's another Queensryche CD I won't be buying, if that's a reflection of how the rest sound.
Well,its an above average mediocre song if you ask me....I finally learned after Q2K that Queensryche is just not ever coming back, if this is it,its good enough to hook maybe 250,000 suckers but the hardcore "Prove You're back" guys will just not fall for it, and I'm one of those just doesn't ring true anymore...especially after Geoff denounced metal
Kenneth R. said:
much better than "I'm American"

That, sir, is what I believe is referred to as damning with faint praise.

Anyway, I'm still firmly in the try-before-I-buy camp. They're going to have to do far better than this to get me interested. Who knows, maybe I'll be wrong, but I'm about to the point I wish they'd just wrap it up and save themselves some embrassment. Let Geoff do another solo album. Hell, let him record the versions he did on his solo tour of Queensryche songs... there were some kick-ass arrangements of those.