New Release date 6th May ?


Horatio McAllister
Feb 18, 2002
Sainte-Foy Beach
Here we go again... the release date is pushed yet again?
Your thoughts on this ? Personally, I wanted to wait for the US release since Charlie said there'll be some extras on it but now I'm thinking about ordering the jap version from HMV or somewhere else...

Let's just hope there will be no more fuckups.

I hope, for the band's sake, the US release has a lot of bonus stuff on it.
Give us something to wait (again) for.
American Anthrax fans need a good reason to wait another month, while the European fans have the fucking album already.
I agree with both of you! God, this album has been one of the longest waits in recent memory, and it seems like around every corner is another delay! At this point I could give a fuck less about extra's, I just want to hear the new album! Funny, a couple of you that actually have the album already have stated that "refuse to be denied" isn't that great of a song(compared to the rest of the album), and this is the only song I've heard and I love it! GOD, can't wait to hear the rest!


The further the US release date gets pushed back, the more the album gets downloaded instead, I'm afraid. Sure, there's the hardcore fans like us who will buy both the European and the US version, and maybe the Japanese version, too, but the longer the wait, the more their US sales are going to get hurt in the long run. Anyone know why the date keeps being pushed back now?
I got the Digi pak today in Denver. If you have CD stores that carry everything, including imports, call them and ask if they have it.
this reminds me of Slayer trying to release "God Hates Us All" pushed back 5 times before ironicly coming out on sept 11, 2001, bizarre, maybe when WCFYA comes out there'll be some sort of alien invasion or something, that would be intresting


The Truth is out there
It would be interesting if us, the fans, could do something to boost the interest in Anthrax - for example, we could be calling radio stations on the release day and telling them that we've witnessed aliens coming: "Oh my god!! There is a message on their mothership: "We've come for you all" - the only way to be saved is to buy the latest Anthrax CD" ... I know it sounds a little bit farfetched and, well, stupid, but an idle Anthrax fan with too much time on his hands, waiting for a new album, will eventually come up with something to entertain his mind. is reporting that Sanctuary has signed the band and will release WCFYA here. Hopefully THIS is the end of all the bullshit, and the US tour can coincide with that release.

Can't wait to see some of the new stuff live - and Sanctuary, unlike some of the other metal-oriented indies out there (SPV, anyone?) seem to be able to actually get product into the stores in the States...
