New Revalver Clip - ENDITOL

this song is so fucking awesome
it goes directly to my ipod

preset for the guitar sound would be great!!(and drums preset to if its superior 2)
Awesome song dude, very unique stuff. It's really cool to hear something that sounds fresh.

Presets would be soooo appreciated!!!
Awesome sounding tune! I remember seeing your stuff on meshforum probably years back. The transition from 4:56 moving into the solo section is the sexiest!
Thanks everyone for listening and commenting. :kickass:

Here are some settings for you:


There is some post EQ etc. after that but it should get you in the ballpark.

Sounds awesome! I love all your songs! The drums are really cool on this track because even though they are aggressive you managed to keep that room tone that can be lacking. It kinda reminds me of Richard Christy's drum tone on The Sound of Perseverance.
:OMG: Great song, great mix, great chops. Nothing bad to say about it.

Thanks a lot.

Sounds awesome! I love all your songs! The drums are really cool on this track because even though they are aggressive you managed to keep that room tone that can be lacking. It kinda reminds me of Richard Christy's drum tone on The Sound of Perseverance.

Thanks, I like the SOP drum sound a lot too, explosive and not too clinical.

Killer, absolutely killer!

Sacha, I want a CD!
...and tabs!!! :D

Working on it! :heh: