New Review for Enemies of Reality on


A Dead Sun Serenity
Aug 24, 2002
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Here is the review for Enemies of Reality from one of my favorite review sites,
Rating - 8.5
Some of the 'Politics'-era aggression can be found at times, and that sound is mixed with the mood and mourning of the band's more recent releases. Nevermore's music can almost be described as a mixture of anger and meloncholy, and the tremendous vocal character that Warrel Dane possesses only helps paint that picture. Lots of good solos are featured, making this a strong release overall--the only real drawback being the somewhat brevity, as it checks in at barely over 40 minutes. C'mon guys-- how about another song or two!
The opening title track has that thrashier feel, though with a smoother chorus. "I, Voyager" is churning pit-fare, and "Ambivalent" continues with the rolling thrash, with tempo shifts and good pull-offs.
The note-driven "Purify" is a top spot, as is the nasty "Create the Infinite". "Seed Awakening" is good, "Noumenon" is a distorted, psychadelic piece, and "Tomorrow Turned Into Yesterday," while calm at its onset, injects some weight as the song progresses. The light/heavy mix of "Who Decides" is presented in classic Nevermore style, as the band puts its stamp on yet another solid platter.
It's true, the album is great by music standards, but simply good by nevermore standards, or maybe vice versa.

I think it'd be cool if nevermore started making albums as if it were their last. You know, albums where they put their all plus a little more into it, really leaving a mark in the industry

but thats just me
I really like everything I've heard from Enemies of Reality so far, but you'd think they would make the album a little longer considering the time they took writing and recording for it.
it may be short, but there's no filler. And all the songs tie together, makes for a very enjoyable overall listening experience, which is easier to do with a shorter album like this.
The length doesnt bother me. I like albums that can give you that full blow then end without getting tired. Strapping Young Lads is the same.

Enemies seems to do this, but dont worry, Nevermore are free from that peice of crap century media. The best/better is yet to come. Andy might be back for the next cd and Psychotic Intellectual Narcotic may be brought back out of the bag.

Who knows, but EOR is still growing and definetely not getting worse \m/
I think I may wait to order it. I get the feeling Century Media is going to pull a stunt in 4-5 months and do a re-release with "bonus!" material, and all that other stuff they have to do to make people buy albums. I do believe this promo copy that's being reviewed is different than what the public will get. I smell a dead, bloated, Century Media rat.
My guess is that the band has more material but figures, "Why use it for a record company that obviously isn't going to promote us for the final record of our contract." Look for the next record to contain that instrumental for instance.

well we really cant know whats up till we actually hold the final version in our hands. it might be remastered, it might have 3 extra tracks, it might be the same damn thing they sent out as promos. we'll just have to wait and see.
Poison God said:
My guess is that the band has more material but figures, "Why use it for a record company that obviously isn't going to promote us for the final record of our contract." Look for the next record to contain that instrumental for instance.


I think you hit that nail right on the head...I bet they have some material that they are holding for the next release. I remember reading some song titles that have yet to come to fruition so I can only assume that they kept some killer stuff for their debut on their next label.

Yeah the new one is short but it still rips your face off so does it really matter?

I only hope that maybe the wait won't be too long once this one is released for the next slab o' metal.

For the time being I will enjoy this puppy and "let the metal flow":)