NEW REVIEW UPLOAD: 10 new reviews


Be still, O wand'rer!
Apr 26, 2002
Some new and classic reviews...


IN THE WOODS... - Live at the Caledonian Hall
MITHRAS - Worlds Beyond the Veil
ANATA - Under a Stone with no Inscription [Staff Pick of the Week]
PENUMBRA - Seclusion


AETERNUS - ...And so the Night Became
EMPYRIUM - Songs of Moors and Misty Fields
FLOTSAM & JETSAM - Doomsday for the Deceiver
GEHENNA - Adimiron Black
SLAYER - Seasons in the Abyss

Some good reading there me thinks.

Spot on with Mithras.

[font=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]With more blasts than a poor soul who just ate two plates worth of Tex-Mex[/font]
Papa never fails to crack me up at least once per review. :lol: Sounds like Anata is on the list...
Thank you.

Should have the new feature up tonight. All reviews are formatted, and just waiting for the graphics department (the wife) to wrap up the backgrounds etc.
Yes, the Mithras & Luna Ad Noctum were also worth a check, useful texts eheh ...( 20 min. anyway to post that, time out and other bugs on the way, back as it works eh)
I'm glad someone else likes Ultraspank. While not necessarily "nu", they were always lumped in with that group. But like you said, they hav more in common with Fear Factory than Korn.
Dreamlord said:
I'm glad someone else likes Ultraspank. While not necessarily "nu", they were always lumped in with that group. But like you said, they hav more in common with Fear Factory than Korn.
I get kind of freaked out when I hear that name...I remember when they were in False Metal Hammer's 'new bands' section almost four years ago...I used to talk to someone online who came from the same town as them but she'd never heard of them :loco:

Nice Slayer review, though it is a bit generous...I always thought of Temptation and Born Of Fire as a bit throwaway...never get tired of Seasons... though...
There is not a single nanosecond of throwaway on Seasons, it took me 12 years to finally realize that. :)

EDIT: And thanks for the kind words, how rude of me! :blush:
Ayeka said:
I get kind of freaked out when I hear that name...I remember when they were in False Metal Hammer's 'new bands' section almost four years ago...I used to talk to someone online who came from the same town as them but she'd never heard of them :loco:
Well, the name is fucking stupid. But the music f'n rocks.
Flotsam & Jetsam sounds like it's my cuppa tea - NAD, if for any reason it doesn't work out for you, keep me in mind.

Also, has anyone else heard any Anata? Looks like they blew PJ away!
Lutz said:
Good Aeternus review, Aeternus are teh win (at least the old stuff, too much death metal in the newer for me).
Thanks Lutz.

Yeah, I'm kind of wary about the latter day stuff too. I've heard good things about the latest ones though, so if I find it cheap one day, I might give it a go...