NEW UPLOAD 05.27.03: DARKTHRONE Interview, 15 new Reviews! & more...


Be still, O wand'rer!
Apr 26, 2002
Hey folks,

It's time for another upload - wow, how time flies when you're having fun eh!?

New Interviews
DARKTHRONE - Fenriz talks with Erik (Phyre)
CHINCHILLA - Josh Haeberle talks with Chief B

WACKEN OPEN AIR 2003 - Work in Progress over 3 sections:
-Festival History - summary uploaded
-Band Profiles 2003 - coming very soon...
-Live Report - coming in August

New Reviews
BLAZING ETERNITY - A World to Drown In
PASSENGER - Passenger
CALLENISH CIRCLE - My Passion // Your Pain
DIVINE EMPIRE - Nostradamus
STAR ONE - Live on Earth
DOOMSTONE - Without Prayer
LE'RUE DELASHAY - The Law of 8ve
VITAL REMAINS - Dechristianize (Staff Pick of the Week)

Classic Reviews
THORR'S HAMMER - Dommedagsnatt
SAVATAGE - Dead Winter Dead

Unsung Heroes
MERCURY RAIN - Dark Waters

Holy shit! A big up to the Royal Carnage staff for getting this content together, and a little pat on my back for uploading this mayhem, hehe. But with all seriousness, these are some pretty good interviews & reviews we've got here.

The team should be proud of themselves. :cool:

In regards to the review of The Gathering 'Souvenirs' . . . I also had trouble adapting to it after the first few listens, but that CD has really grown on me. It is easily as good as anything else I've heard of theirs.

Also, I loved that Darkthrone interview. I suck at phone interview because I never like to prepare questions ahead of time. Phyre did well.
Hey, thanks, npearce. A lot of those questions were actually improvised, with the misunderstanding of time I didn't even have time to sort out the questions properly. I must say I'm rather satisfied for a first interview either way, and all the good feedback I'm getting is very appreciated.
Demonspell said:
Damn, the Madder Mortem review was harsh...never imagined an End release getting a 1, except maybe that Star Of Ash project... :)

I had fun writing that one. :)

Star of Ash pretty bad, eh? I admit, I was intrigued at one point, and then the intrigue fizzled away.
Everyone should check out Ion Dissonance, my current favorite Unsung Hero. I can't wait for their full length to come out. :)

The Souvenirs review combined with Nathan's suggestion caused me to purchase it, even if Josh did only give it a 7. :p
NAD said:
Everyone should check out Ion Dissonance, my current favorite Unsung Hero. I can't wait for their full length to come out. :)

The Souvenirs review combined with Nathan's suggestion caused me to purchase it, even if Josh did only give it a 7. :p

I'm glad you bought it. Like I said, it's an album I can see myself really growing into. It's not as gratifying yet as the last one though...

7 is good though.. :yell:
Thing about Souvenirs is that it's an attempt at what others do better. It's not bad though - just not 'perfect'.

I don't know any other Gathering stuff, but to be honest, if you're going to get Souvenirs, then you better have OK Computer in your collection somewhere. That is perfect.

The two are completely different. Radiohead isn't doing trip-rock. The Gathering has nothing more than electronics in common with Radiohead. I suggest you listen to Souvenirs a little more.
Nah man, I'm not talking Kid A electronics or Pablo Honey rock. The guitar tones and tremelo picking on The Gathering is such a rip off from OK Computer, it's not funny.

Listen to track #3 - Tom Yorke should be asking for royalties, in the least.
Speaking of Tom Yorke, he's doing a KROCK session tonight at 9pm EST. I'm not sure if this station is syndicated? Anyway, it's just a one hour session of him alone playing requests in the studio. I'm planning to tape it if anyone is interested in a copy.

Of course, tomorrow is the $2 NY concert where people have been lining up since last Wednesday...only 200 people allowed in, and 400 in line apparently. D'oh!
Well I'm not saying that the songs are ripping off Radiohead, just the instrumentation. But the band themselves don't deny it, they pride themselves on it. The recent interview in issue #60 of LotFP has them admitting to being heavilly influenced by Radiohead, Elbow, and Massive Attack.

I'm just saying that if you're going to try Souvenirs, you're selling yourself short if you don't have OK Computer handy.