
Jan 4, 2007
Yo dudes,

Seems like i havent really been workin on a whole lot of new stuff lately cuz i have been focusing on the EP (which is coming along nicely btw!) but yeah instead of going out tonite and being social i got inspired and decided to record some riffs, it ended up taking a fair bit longer then i had intended and i have a short rough clip for all of yall now! I am too tired and disoriented to mix it, so hopefully it sounds alright and i will fix any problems i find with it in the coming days!

Its called "Füf" (its a silly inside joke that only like 5 people in the whole world get, and it probably isnt that at all....BUT ITS A COOL SONG NAME NO?) Oh yeah and i was writing this with the intention of using the bits in my Juggernaut epic song, so this counts as another preview haha! Ok enough talk!

Here is the link to my soundclick: (the song is at the top of the list)

and to myspace (should play by default)

As for equipment I used the Petrucci 7 stringer (drop Ab i think..) with the podxt, schecter 5 string bass, and drumkit from hell superior as usual.

hey man i loved the sound on (Sonor of Engl (short meshuggah cover)how did you record it the amp sounds did you get that stereo separation on the tracks it sounds very clear--can you give details please...eq-reverbs ect.....
god damn man, your songwriting is amazing. i've heard alot of your stuff in the past and damn, while i don't totally dig all of it, when i do, i really REALLY do.

i think the main thing you need to focus on now is your style, even though all your stuff has that kind of bulb-y craziness to it, the variation is style is just a bit too much sometimes..

i do have to say though, your recent work all sounds very cohesive, as far as the 'style' is concerned. very good.

'the focus hour' is insane, very technical and intricate. love it. more 8-string love!!!
I really like your clips! Which recording program do you use? I would love to see some screenshots of your drum tracks or possibly a project file if you are using Cubase ;)
yea bulb your shit is too good we need more info on some mixing and dfhs technique:headbang:

screen shots

mastering chain

you know some goodies:)

sounds great though bro:kickass:
Sounds amazing man, ive been following your work for a little while and you just seem to get better and better. How are you managing to get the guitars sound so upfront without burying everything else?!

wow thanks so much guys!!
i use nuendo, and unfortunately none of my clips are mastered because i have neither the knowledge or the equipment neccesary (but mostly the knowledge haha)

secondrate: its just a matter of practice honestly, something i have been struggling with and something i plan on clearing up even more in the future!

zakky: i dont remember the settings on that clip but honestly i think it sounds terrible, it was my first shot at miking and it just sounds harsh to my ears, then again i didnt have my tubescreamer so i was using the podxt as one haha...the real thing sounds waaay better and less fizzy! All i really did tho was put some post eq on the tracks...

CJwall: i have checked out your clips as well man, its good heavy stuff and you are a fellow engl user! (tho you actually can record yours haha!) Seems like we have a bit of common ground stylistically but you venture more into death and grind side of things. Yeah i know what you are saying, the thing is i dont discriminate when i write, i just write and figure out what i will do with it as im recording or jammin on the riffs or just after having laid the idea down, sometimes it ends up being something very different from what i normally do. So maybe that clears it up a bit hehe!
But... but... b... it's... well... maybe i should start using my computer for gaming purpuse only... this shit is amazing. I like the snare... it's really good.
Sounds great as usual :) I was a bit tired of "metal music" for a while.. But then I found your soundclick page, and hope came back to me.. haha. No seriously, you've got some really inventive and inspiring stuff going on, and your mixes soundwise kick ass..
Bulb, Chimp Spanner, and CJWall do that for me every time I get into that feeling of absolute boredom of anything heavy. They always deliver.

Definitely an extremely unique trio of songwriters doing their thang and sharing it. I only wish I was half as creative as Bulb/CJWall/Chimp Spanner is. Not to mention they can mix too!
