New Samael album


Apr 9, 2009
Gothenburg sweden
Can't fucking wait for new Samael album anymore want to freeze myself down or something, havn't been this excited about an album since ATOED!
Antigod which was released as an ep late last year and will be on the album.

But what is way more awesome is this studio report!! At 0:46 and onward when they play a part from the song "the truth is marching on" that shit sounds just as good as anything from passage. This will be a great release. :yow:

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the only album i listened from Samael is Ceremony of Opposites... and i love that album... can u recommend me some other ???
Actually havn't heard the stuff before ceremony but after ceremony they became very much more industrial. Passage is imo their best album so give it a listen it's really evil sounding. Eternal is very good too almost up with passage, Above sticks out pretty much from the rest of their material as it's much more agressive and fast. Dunno some people don't like it because of the production but try it out personally I think it's much better than the two releases before that and one of the top albums of 2009. Bottom line Passage, Eternal and Above.
Wow! :yow: That sounds intense! I can't wait for the new album. Sounds like a cross between the "ceremony" and "passage" albums! too cool! :grin:
the only album i listened from Samael is Ceremony of Opposites... and i love that album... can u recommend me some other ???

Ceremony is their best, but I think Passage is almost as good...the production on that album is amazing...very dark and evil (but not satanic) keyboards are dynamic and the guitars are industrial and heavy but also very metal. Also check out the Rebellion EP released between Ceremony and Passage.

Really those are the only samael albums I can recommend, The early stuff is evil and slightly industrial black metal but nothing too amazing. The stuff after passage went in a more electronic/less metal direction, which would have been alright but the songwriting, imho, is boring. Above released in 2009 was a surprise since it's very black metal but at the same time, very one dimensional and the production is a wall of noise.

There are a wide variety of opinions on Samael, but I think the safest bet would be passage